Teabag Lights
Joel Connelly, at SeattlePI dot com, considers the ramped teabaggery in the House of Representives. A snippet:
The craziness now can even be viewed through a light bulb.
At a Seattle open-house last Saturday, Rep. Jay Inslee talked about how, five years ago, he worked with Republican Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan on legislation to phase in energy-efficient light bulbs.
Of course, this made sense. Only 10 percent of the energy consumed by an old 100-watt incandescent bulb goes to create light. The rest is wasted heat. The industry is phasing in a more efficient product and have come to live with the phase-out of old pear-shaped bulbs.
Yet, Thomas Edison’s little-changed invention has become a cause celebre for dim bulbs of the Tea Party.
Read the rest.