From Pine View Farm

2011 archive

Both Sides Now Mitt 0

Mitt Romney probably has trouble keeping track of where he stands on any given day.


Everybody Must Get Fracked 0

Tired fracking worker being offered a gas of petroleum product to drink


Swampwater, Overflowing the Dikes Dept. 0

From the blurb on YouTube:

Thom Hartmann talks with Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, U.S. Congresswoman (D-IL, 9th District) about intimidation tacticts being used against her by Blackwater CEO Erik Prince.


Republicans Say the Darndest Things 0

At Psychology Today, Bella DePaulo reveals the lies that liars tell themselves to excuse their lies.

The article is essential to understanding Republican talking points.



Robert Louis Stevenson, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):

If your morals make you dreary, depend on it, they are wrong.


Makana 0

Via Radio Free Oz.


The Galt and the Lamers 0

Read the story of the One Percent at BartBlog:


Stray Question 0

I pay attention to current events, more or less.

I inherited the habit from my news junkie father.

So where was I when the punditry decided that Newt the Gingrinch has a rep for being an intellectual?


My Way Mitt 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

The right wing worship of weaponry is electrifying.

A measure working its way through the Michigan Legislature would make the state the nation’s 45th to allow residents to carry stun guns as a means of self-defense. Wisconsin became the 44th on Nov. 1.

I wonder how long it will be before the first Taser-induced road rage heart attack.



OWS evicted, back to normal:  unemployment, closed stores, police checkpoints


Freedom of Choice, Media Dept. 0

Not so much:

Chart showing increase of media consolidation in the last thirty years from 50 major companies to six.

Via Contradict Me.


Stray Thought 0

As I read this press release (pdf), which someone forwarded to me, it occurred to me that it is notable that so many of wingnut outfits explicitly describe themselves as “Patriot” in their names.

Perhaps it is because, if one considers what they advocate, one would never know . . .


Zach Wahls Speaks about Family 0

More here.



William Blake, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):

A good local pub has much in common with a church, except that a pub is warmer, and there’s more conversation.


The View from Abroad 0

Marc Pitzke of Der Spiegel looks at the Republican aspirants for the presidential nomination and is not amused.

No mainstream American pundit would dare be so frank.

A snippet:

They lie. They cheat. They exaggerate. They bluster. They say one idiotic, ignorant, outrageous thing after another. They’ve shown such stark lack of knowledge — political, economic, geographic, historical — that they make George W. Bush look like Einstein and even cause their fellow Republicans to cringe.

Tough times demand tough and smart minds. But all these dopes have to offer are ramblings that insult the intelligence of all Americans — no matter if they are Democrats, Republicans or neither of the above. Yet just like any freakshow, this one would be unthinkable without a stage (in this case, the media, strangling itself with all its misunderstood “political correctness” and “objectivity”) and an audience (the party base, which this year seems to have suffered a political lobotomy).

And so the farce continues. The more mind-boggling its incarnations, the happier the US media are to cheer first one clown and then the next, elevating and then eliminating “frontrunners” in reliable news cycles of about 45 days.

Who needs anti-American propaganda (remember “anti-American propaganda”?) with these folks in the news?


Be a Pepper 0


Crossing the Borderline 0

Jeremy Sherman, blogging at Psychology Today, tries to understand Herman Cain:

What do you get when you cross a fragile emotional desire-driven creature with an ability to reason and speak. You get humans, creatures who when unfettered by conscience serve up whatever reasons and speech are most likely to sooth their emotions and get them what they desire, creatures that can pull out their ass any sanctimonious moral argument why they should get what they want, creatures that can rationalize their way out of any corner and never admit to their many double standards. You get creatures fully committed to attribution error, creatures that blame everyone else for their failures by standards they won’t apply to himself. You get a Herman Cain . . . .


Circular Firing Squad 0

Dick Polman considers the potshots that the aspirants for the Republican presidential keep aiming at each other, in violation of Reagan’s “Eleventh Commandment”: “Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican.”

It’s a delicious collection of calumny.

A snippet:

. . . perhaps the most important is the ongoing shootout between old Romney and new Romney. When Ronald Reagan invoked his 11th Commandment, he probably never anticipated a scenario in which a frontrunner would essentially speak ill of his former self. Or former selves. While denying he needs to do any such thing.


Can’t Win for Losing Dept. 0

Offered without comment:

A new legal regulation has come into force in Hungary making homelessness punishable by a fine of around $600 (£384) or prison.

MPs from the ruling conservative party proposed the regulation, on the grounds that Budapest could not cope with the large number of people on the streets.
