From Pine View Farm

2011 archive

Pastoral Newtonian Agricultural Paradises 0

Bloomberg investigates child labor in the Victoria’s Secret supply chain.

Clarisse Kambire’s nightmare rarely changes. It’s daytime. In a field of cotton plants that burst with purple and white flowers, a man in rags towers over her, a stick raised above his head. Then a voice booms, jerking Clarisse from her slumber and making her heart leap. “Get up!”

Try reading the whole thing. If you can get all the way through it at the first sitting, please let me know.

Spare the rod, spoil the child, eh, what?

No doubt, it warms the cockles of Newt the Gingrinch’s heart, already two sizes too small, to read of a work ethic’s being inculcated in children.


The reporters mention Victoria’s Secret over and over in the story. By the time I was half-way through it, I was thinking, “Get a room already.”

Victoria’s Secret is certainly not alone in not seeing what is before its face. In corporate America, the concept of a “greater good” than bonuses and country club memberships is but a memory.


A Conservative Christmas Carol 0

Warning: Mild language.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

If this keeps up, it may turn into a trend.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 19,000 to a seasonally adjusted 366,000, the Labor Department said. That was the lowest level since May 2008.

The prior week’s claims data was revised up to 385,000 from the previously reported 381,000.


The four-week moving average of claims, considered a better measure of labor market trends, fell 6,500 to 387,750 — the lowest since mid-July 2008.

The number of people still receiving benefits under regular state programs after an initial week of aid edged up 4,000 to 3.6 million in the week ended December 3.

Once more, the story does not mention how many persons have fallen off the chart.



Felix Frankfurter, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):

No court can make time stand still.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0

Gingerbread houses.


Scrapple News 0


The Galt and the Lamers 4

Christmas Celebrant:

Via Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog.


Driving while Brown 0

It’s not about where you’re from. Really and truly, no.

It’s about what you look like. Really and truly, yes.

A growing number of United States citizens have been detained under Obama administration programs intended to detect illegal immigrants who are arrested by local police.

In a spate of recent cases across the country, American citizens have been confined in local jails after federal immigration agents, acting on flawed information from Department of Homeland Security databases, instructed the police to hold them for investigation and possible deportation.

Americans said their vehement protests that they were citizens went unheard by local police and jailers for days, with no communication with federal immigration agents to clarify the situation.

Via Atrios.


The Company They Keep 0

I suspect that Mitt the Flip is truly enchanted to know he’s cast his spell on Christine O’Donnell:

Christine O’Donnell, once the darling of the tea party, took aim Tuesday at members of the movement that made her a political household name by endorsing Mitt Romney for president.


Drinking Liberally Norfolk Tonight 0

Drinking Liberally is a support group for liberals, where you can realize you are not alone.

When: 6 p., Wednesday, December 14.

The Public House
1112 Colley Avenue (map)

Details here.


OWS out of Sight out of Mind 0

Margot Ford McMillen explains why Occupy Wall Street sites must be eliminated.

Their existence offends delicate sensibilities.

There’s a major disconnect between the 1% at the top and the 99% at the bottom, and the top dogs don’t want to talk. Instead, they want it to go away. Quietly. And if it doesn’t, they’ll hurt someone.

Buy some pepper spray stock, then click to read the rest.



P. J. O’Rourke, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):

Sloths move at the speed of congressional debate but with greater deliberation and less noise.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

The ACLU is suing the state of Wisconsin. Here’s a bit about their plaintiff, who has voted in every election since 1948 and currently serves as an elected representative on her village board:

Ruthelle Frank, a resident of Brokaw, Wisconsin since her birth in 1927, has none of the accepted forms of photo ID under Wisconsin’s photo ID law which goes into effect at the February primary election. In order to get a state ID card, she needs to prove citizenship, but since she was born at home, she has never had a birth certificate. The state Register of Deeds, however, does have a record of her birth and can produce a birth certificate at a $20 cost. There’s one problem though — her maiden name (Wedepohl) is misspelled in the record. That record can only be amended by legal proceeding, and the combined fees will run Ruthelle potentially upwards of $200. The state will not waive any of these fees, and under the new law, if she cannot obtain a state ID card, Ruthelle will be sent away from the polls.

Why do Republicans fear the voters?


The Phony War on Christmas 0

There is a real war on Christmas.

It’s waged by persons notable for publicly, perpetually, loudly patting themselves on the back for how Christian and holy they are.

Barbara Sehr reflects on it at SeattlePI dot com:

Remember Christianity? Whether it is a biblical manifestation of truth, or a story of imagined people, it is a great story. It literally is about what is meant by “It’s a Wonderful Life.” It is not about an angry God who brings individuals, families and entire civilizations to conflict, but about a messenger from the angels, who advocates for the “least of these.” He counseled with those many today would consider life’s refuse, especially those who might occupy a public park without bathing, those who are forced to grant sexual favors for a price, and those who gather on a mountain top in search of loaves and fishes. At the same time, in a spirit of bi-partisanship, this messenger would evict the tax collectors from the temples.

Today, this “greatest story ever told,” has been rewritten as Dickensian satire by professed believers who wear their “religion” on their sleeves like a territorial mark left by an untrained puppy. “If you are without a job, and poor, blame yourself,” they reverberate in their gospel of rugged individualism. If you are a child born into poverty, there should be workhouses to teach you a work ethic that can lead you into a life of million-dollar self-imprisonment from the forces of sensitivity to your fellow humans. “God Bless Us Everyone” becomes “God Save Our Tax-Free Capital Gains at High Interest.”</blockquote>


Mitt the Flip: Echoes of the Past (Updated) 0

Not in a good way. Steve M. explains.

Addendum, Later That Same Day:


Really, no matter who ends up running against Obama, it’s going to come down to one difference: they think Americans are only certain types of people, we don’t.

To the right, there are vast swaths of people in this country (Hispanics, Muslims, gays, atheists, liberals) who aren’t “American” and must be eradicated.


No Return of Beyond the Palin 0

The reality is that Sarah Palin is soooooo ooooover.

. . . the Fox News contributor is having some trouble selling a follow-up to the Mark Burnett-produced “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” her TLC show that bowed in November 2010 to a record-breaking 5 million viewers.

The Hollywood Reporter reports Palin and Burnett are pitching another reality series, this one more focused on Palin’s husband Todd and his career as a championship snowmobile racer.

Sounds like someone is running low on ideas.

But for now, TLC owner Discovery Communications has passed, say sources. And A&E Networks, which entered into a bidding war with Discovery for “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” also is not interested.


Snookered at the Shore 0

State officials say a Jersey shore bar served cheaper vodka to customers who paid for premium spirits.

The idea of “premium” vodka is a triumph of marketing and an oxymoron all at the same time.


Suffer the Children To Come unto Him 0

Newt Gingrich waited on by child laborers.

Via Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog.


One, Two, Three, Hype! 0

The local rag has a long story about the pederasty shenanigans at Penn State.

Buried in it is this gem.

Under NCAA regulations, the overall ethical conduct of a college sports program is paramount. Administrations at all NCAA-member programs must exert “institutional control,” meaning they must strictly adhere to the rules and have an appropriate level of oversight in place to detect and investigate violations.

From the NCAA spelling book:

“Ethical culture. T-V-r-e-v-e-n-u-e. Ethical culture.”
