From Pine View Farm

Dulcet Tones 2

I have a new podcast up at HPR.


I love the “long-awaited” in the description. It was submitted quite a while ago and was pushed back in the schedule because of more time-sensitive submissions–and that was good.

Under HPR practice, first submissions by new hosts take precedence and HPR’s quest for new hosts has been paying off big-time.

You too can be a host. You don’t even need a recorder; you can phone it in to USA +1-206-312-5749 or UK +44-203-432-5879 (follow the link for instructions).



  1. George

    February 8, 2012 at 3:36 pm

    Cool! What were you recording through, a mike installed on the PC?

  2. Frank

    February 8, 2012 at 8:31 pm

    A cheap headset jacked into the computer, recording with Audacity on Slackware Current.