Pivotal Events 0
The press seems to have decided that, after pandering to the far right, Mitt the Flip will flip back to pandering to the moderate right now that he is the next thing to anointed.
This headline from the Boston Globe illustrates this, implying that the fabled “pivot” is not a press theory, but rather a certainty:
Mitt Romney returning to N.H. to make general election pivot
This is amusing and distressing at the same time.
Amusing because there is so far no evidence beyond the assumptions of the punditry that Mitt is going to “pivot.”
Distressing because, in blandly assuming and reporting a “pivot” as a done deal, the press condones, without protest or remark, hypocrisy and duplicity (also known as “lying”) as legitimate, expected, even laudable behavior on the part of Republicans.
One wonders whether a “pivot” by a Democratic candidate would be so eagerly anticipated and approved.