From Pine View Farm

Comment Rescue, Republican Beatitudes 1

From commenter Mary, commenting on this post. This is too marvelously done not to have wider exposure–at least as wide as my little backwater on the innerwebs can give it.

The Sermon on the Radio

Limbaugh. 5:3-13

3 Blessed are the physically wealthy,
for they shall rule the earth.

4 Blessed are those who are not Mexican,
for they will not be deported.

5 Blessed are the bankers,
for they will foreclose on the meek.

6 Blessed are those who cause others to hunger and thirst,
for they shall be called capitalists.

7 Blessed are the merciless,
for they will be called good businessmen.

8 Blessed are the corporations,
for they are people too.

9 Blessed are the war profiteers,
for they will be called good Americans.

10 Blessed are those who persecute because of self-righteousness,
for theirs is the pulpit and podium.

11 Blessed are you when you insult others, persecute others and falsely say all kinds of evil against others because of me.

12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward on earth, for in the same way persecuted the great conservatives who were before you.


1 comment

  1. Republican Beatitudes : Delaware Liberal

    June 30, 2012 at 2:11 pm

    […] is from a commenter over at From Pine View Farms and was too good not to share here: […]

From Pine View Farm
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