From Pine View Farm

How To Annoy Visitors to Your Website 2

Install the Meebo bar.

It covers up content, displays nag screens, and generally irritates your visitors. And it’s automated!

Webmasters! Torment your visitors while tracking their internet use and convincing your employers that you are bleeding edge technology magicians.

Get the Meebo bar now!



  1. George

    June 30, 2012 at 11:39 am

    We are happy to announce that Meebo has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Google!

    For more than seven years we’ve been helping publishers find deeper relationships with their users and to make their sites more social and engaging. Together with Google, we’re super jazzed
    More be evil transformative strategy.

  2. Frank

    June 30, 2012 at 11:45 am

    More antisocial networking.  People were getting wise to browser toolbars, so now it’s website toolbars.  

    I had a tech once tell me that a customer came in with Windows (natch) problems once.  The customer had allowed software and sites to install 21 toolbars into M$ Internet Destroyer.  Guy had about one inch of actual website way down there \/ at the bottom of the screen.

From Pine View Farm
Privacy Policy

This website does not track you.

It contains no private information. It does not drop persistent cookies, does not collect data other than incoming ip addresses and page views (the internet is a public place), and certainly does not collect and sell your information to others.

Some sites that I link to may try to track you, but that's between you and them, not you and me.

I do collect statistics, but I use a simple stand-alone Wordpress plugin, not third-party services such as Google Analitics over which I have no control.

Finally, this is website is a hobby. It's a hobby in which I am deeply invested, about which I care deeply, and which has enabled me to learn a lot about computers and computing, but it is still ultimately an avocation, not a vocation; it is certainly not a money-making enterprise (unless you click the "Donate" button--go ahead, you can be the first!).

I appreciate your visiting this site, and I desire not to violate your trust.