From Pine View Farm

June, 2012 archive

Mitt Mandates Flip 0



Video via the Daily Banter.


The Rule of Law 0

In Wingnut World, the the only law that matters is the law of “my way or the highway.”

They are interested in rule, not law.


Driving while Brown 0

More here.


Mitt the Flip the Dice 0

Click for a larger image.


Sauce for the Goose . . . 0


An Ivy League scholar and mother-of-two is touching a raw nerve by questioning whether high-flying career women with families, at least American ones, can truly “have it all.”

Writing in The Atlantic magazine, Anne-Marie Slaughter cited her own downshift from powerful State Department official to mere Princeton University professor as evidence that they cannot, at least not as US society now stands.

Notice how no one ever wonders why men can’t have it all?

It’s because men expect to have it all by birthright. And by and large get away with it.

I’ll give you an example:

I had stayed home with my sick son. The next day, the boss, who had raised two sons after a nasty divorce from a nasty man, called me into her cubby and asked, “Why have you been missing so much time to stay home with your kid?”

“My wife said to me, ‘Why should I always be the one to miss work?'”

Boss looked at me for about 15 seconds, then said, “You know, you’re right. Get out of here.”

Best boss I ever had.


Speaking of Political Thuggery . . . 2

. . . as I was in the previous post, score one for the forces of truth, justice, and the American way over thuggery.


This is why I have generally ignored all the agonizing over how the decision would turn out.


Congress Issa Contemptible 3

At the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Duquesne University law professor Ken Gormley considers contemptible Congress. He focuses on the Republican Party’s willingness to sacrifice everything–history, the law, ethics, the Constitution–to political thuggery.

A nugget:

Finally, there is a civil contempt process — created in the post-Watergate era — that allows Congress to seek enforcement through the courts. Ironically, this law creates a specific exemption for federal government employees (like Eric Holder) acting in their official capacities. The exemption, designed to safeguard the separation of powers, was championed by then-Assistant Attorney General and now-Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who told the Senate that trying to weigh Congress’ need for information against the executive branch’s need to protect the confidentiality of information “is the very type of ‘political question’ from which … the courts [should] abstain.”

If Rep. Issa believes he has the power to hold the nation’s chief law enforcement officer in contempt, what would stop Attorney General Holder from returning the favor by arresting Rep. Issa on the streets of Washington for “seditious behavior?” The only thing stopping him would be the Constitution’s command that powers be separated to preclude such monkey business.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

No significant change:

Jobless claims decreased by 6,000 to 386,000 in the week ended June 23, in line with the median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg News, Labor Department figures showed today in Washington. The prior week’s reading was revised up to 392,000 from 387,000, matching an April figure as the steepest of 2012.


The four-week moving average decreased to 386,750 from 387,500, which was the highest since the week ended Dec. 3.



Oscar Wilde, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):

The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius.


Twits on Twitter, Cosplay Dept. 0

At Psychology Today, Stephanie Newman argues that twit cosplay–twitting as someone who isn’t–on Twitter is somehow a good thing.

Tweeting affords potential psychological benefits. It is a way for adults to flex different mental muscles and exercise a little used part of their brains. Twitter, with its opportunity to write playful messages, provides a play space for those who are mired in day-to-day stresses and challenges.

As near as I can interpret her argument, it seems to boil down to “if it feels good, do it.”

But I’m must a cranky old man.


A. P. Ticker on the Horsewashery Defense (and Other News) 0


The (Job) Creationism Myth 0


You’ve got to give Mitt Romney credit. He’s a job creator. In Singapore. China. India. He’s been very good at creating jobs. Overseas.


Facebook Frolics, Man in the Middle Dept. 0

Facebook attempts to bamboozle users into using at-facebook-dot-com email addresses.


The link describes how to stop displaying the at-facebook-dot-com email address, but, consistent with its practice, Facebook moved the settings around again and it took me about five minutes to find it. There is no way to make that at-facebook-dot-com email address go away, though.

Anyone who tries to email me at that address, forget it. I’ll never check it and, if I stumble over it in a drunken stupor, I’ll just delete the mails.

Thanks to Todd for reporting this.


Truth in Advertising 0

Romney bumper sticker parody:  "R MONEY"

H/T Chris.


Freedom for Religion 0

At the Guardian, Katherine Stewart considers the attempts of religionists to construe “of” into “for”: to change “freedom of religion”–the right of persons to believe as they will–into “freedom for religions“–the ability of theocratists to bend others to their will under cover of law, that is, to define their freedom of religion to include controlling your beliefs and resulting actions.

Also, RICO.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

Speaking the truth about gut out the vote: Pennsylvania House Republican Leader Mike Turzai.

Via everybody Bob Cesca.


TSA Security Theatre 0

Ashes to ashes.

When he arrived at the TSA checkpoint, “They opened up my bag, and I told them, ‘Please, be careful. These are my grandpa’s ashes.’ She picked up the jar. She opened it up.”

The agent not only opened the sealed jar, but stirred the contents with her finger, allowing an estimated quarter to a third of the ashes to spill out on to the floor.

Gross frantically tried to scoop up as much of his grandfather’s remains as he could, “She didn’t apologize. She started laughing,” he said . . . .

The TSA says that the agent violated policy.

Via Raw Story.



Wilma Rudolph, from the Quotemaster (subscribe here):

No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helps you.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


Making a List and Checking It Twice 2

Harry Shearer sings a song of robotic death from the skies to celebrate what he imagined Bob Dylan was unable to say at the White House Medal of Freedom ceremony.

More Harry Shearer here.

Via Attytood.

From Pine View Farm
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