From Pine View Farm

The Fire Ant Next Time 2

Dick Destiny questions today’s meme that the Supreme Court’s upholding of the Affordable Care Act will somehow energize the right wing.

He seems to be in sort of a “for Pete’s sake get real” mood:

As extremists, they’re already as aggressive as possible.

Follow the link to find out what fire ants have to do with anything.



  1. George

    June 28, 2012 at 8:32 pm

    Yeah, the logic of these essays is about pandering — senselessly taking a victory and turning it into a liability to get eyeballs. Thereby making themselves into today’s cliche. Oh, now you’ve gone and made the Republicans/Tea Party really angry. Don’t do anything to make the Republicans really angry! Thanks for the link, BTW. 

  2. Frank

    June 29, 2012 at 8:33 am

    John Cole said much the same, but without your economy.

    Regarding link, I have always believed in giving credit where credit is etc.

From Pine View Farm
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