From Pine View Farm

Ask the Commander Guy 2

The innerwebs alert me that, in Newsweek, Michael Tomasky asks, “Is Romney a wimp?

And the Commander Guy answers.



  1. George Smith

    July 31, 2012 at 5:30 pm

    Mostly, he’s unprincipled, is a really lousy public speaker, sub-consciously seems to sport a compulsion to insult people of lesser means and has an opinion on his acumen well beyond that supported by the recent record. He is a presidential candidate for our time, that’s for certain. If more than half of the country votes for him it will be because they’ve worked themselves into a state of thoughtlessness in which a certain loathsomeness is considered a virtue because it will be good for beating all the many imagined enemies of the American way, internal and external, into line. 

  2. Frank

    August 1, 2012 at 8:13 am

    Mitt’s a designer drug for the right–“What’s your poison, I’ll be it.”

    I found it cute how the Commander Guy “repurposed” the taunts directed at John Kerry so skillfully.

From Pine View Farm
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