Ask the Commander Guy 2
The innerwebs alert me that, in Newsweek, Michael Tomasky asks, “Is Romney a wimp?”
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There’s only one person who agrees with me on everything, and, as I’m not running for office, that person is not on the ballot.
The innerwebs alert me that, in Newsweek, Michael Tomasky asks, “Is Romney a wimp?”
And the Commander Guy answers.
July 31, 2012 at 5:30 pm
Mostly, he’s unprincipled, is a really lousy public speaker, sub-consciously seems to sport a compulsion to insult people of lesser means and has an opinion on his acumen well beyond that supported by the recent record. He is a presidential candidate for our time, that’s for certain. If more than half of the country votes for him it will be because they’ve worked themselves into a state of thoughtlessness in which a certain loathsomeness is considered a virtue because it will be good for beating all the many imagined enemies of the American way, internal and external, into line.
August 1, 2012 at 8:13 am
Mitt’s a designer drug for the right–“What’s your poison, I’ll be it.”
I found it cute how the Commander Guy “repurposed” the taunts directed at John Kerry so skillfully.