From Pine View Farm

Meebo No Go 0

I have escaped from that vile Meebo bar that’s crawling through the internet like some sort of evil slime mold.

Don’t think that clicking to hide it makes it go away. It’s still following you around in its seedy trench coat; you just don’t see it.

I installed the NotScript extension in Opera and the No Script extension in Firebox. (I primarily use Opera, but sometimes use Firefox.)

The Opera Not Script extension displays a little pyramid in the address bar. Clicking the icon displays the settings dialog. It may need for you to modify your Opera preferences for storing user script information; Opera’s default is no storage space. If it does require the change, clicking the message (which shows when you click the pyramid) will take you to the entry that needs modification and tell you what to enter (5000–the value is in kilobytes).

Both extensions allow you to configure them to allow scripts to run on pages where you find them useful. For instance, the WordPress post editor uses Java to handle the menu, so I allowed scripts from my own domain.

In Opera’s Not Script, I did that by clicking the pyramid for the dialog and selecting to allow scripts on from

Firefox’s No Script displays a message bar at the bottom of the browser window if scripts are present on the page; clicking the “Options” button to the right displays the settings menu. You can click to allow scripts there.

I took a quick look in Microsoft Internet Exploder, but could find no such functionality. Plus Internet Exploder tried to reset my default search engine to Bing! (Hoick! Ptui!) without asking permission.

I haven’t needed “no script” extensions before because my hosts file was sufficient for my needs, but Meebo make me go over the edge.


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From Pine View Farm
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