From Pine View Farm

August, 2012 archive


Lewis Carroll:

There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents, and only one for birthday presents, you know.


Kinks 0

Sally Kalston has had it up to here with Republican rape fantasies:

What is it with these heavy-breathing Republican men and their rape fantasies?

How did they become so salaciously contemptuous of women that they see the term “sexual assault” as an oxymoron?

Did their mothers once catch them after church reading dirty magazines under the covers, and did it warp their sexual development for all time? Are they so ashamed of their own urges that it compels them to cast rape victims as evil temptresses who must have been asking for it and therefore deserve additional punishment after the fact?


Light Bloggery 0

Connection issues. Back when it is.



Arthur Ashe:

If I were to say, “God, why me?” about the bad things, then I should have said, “God, why me?” about the good things that happened in my life.


We Need Single Payer 0

The underspending rebate checks mandated by the ACA are starting to arrive.

Wonder how many insurance company country-club memberships will go begging?

Aetna told Averback, a freelance writer in Huntingdon Valley, that it was sending her the money because of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. The law requires that insurers spend 80 percent of premium dollars on actual health care and quality improvement, not administration, or pay a rebate. (The threshold is 85 percent for plans with more than 50 people.)

In the Pennsylvania individual market, Aetna Life Insurance Co., which also sells health insurance, spent just 67.1 percent of the money collected from subscribers in 2011 on health care. Averback’s check was a rebate.

Once she realized that the check was real, she had another thought. “I guess that shows you how much they were ripping me off,” she said.


The Law of the Pack 0

Convention delegates walking over a cliff.  Bystander:  That whole thing about the lemmings was a myth; political parties, on the other hand . . .

Click for a larger image.


Letting Their Freak Flag Fly 0

Tony Norman finds the bright side of teabaggery:

You have to give the Republicans credit. The expansion of Tea Party warriors within GOP ranks has produced candidates this election cycle who, unlike their more mainstream brethren, are incapable of lying about their positions.

They tell you exactly what they believe, no matter how ridiculous it sounds.


Republican Science 0

As Gail Collins explains, it’s rooted in a simpler time, when men were men and women were property.

But all that paled next to his anti-abortion disquisition during a recent TV interview. In very few words, Akin managed to make three points. One was that rape victims can’t get pregnant. This theory goes back to our forefathers, who believed that in order for our foremothers to conceive, “the womb must be in a state of delight.”

The idea never entirely faded away, possibly because it reflects so well on male lovemaking prowess. Since Akin’s debacle, we’ve learned that a former member of Congress once told the House Appropriations Committee that when people “are truly raped, the juices don’t flow, the body
don’t work and they don’t get pregnant.”


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Polite in the streets:

The man was walking down the 1500 block of Latimer Street (Philadelphia–ed) adjusting his holster when his gun fired, the bullet striking his left ankle, police said.

An intelligence test would infringe on their right to politeness.



Cornelius Vanderbilt:

What do I care about law? Ain’t I got the power?


No There, There 0


Speaking of Donald Trump 0

J. M. Ashby decodes the code.


Buffoonery Wins 0

The stupid. It burns.

This weekend, in the land of those other noted envoys for brotherhood, Katherine Harris and Vern Buchanan, the Republican Party of Sarasota will honor Trump at its sold-out annual “Statesman of the Year” award. Uh, isn’t this a bit like paying tribute to befuddled Missouri U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin for his contributions to a better understanding of obstetrics?

Apparently the Republican Party of Sarasota equates Richard Holbrooke’s brokerage of the Dayton Accords, which brought an end to the Bosnian conflict, with Donald Trump boldly informing Snoop Dog that he isn’t exactly upper management material.

Compared to last year’s Republican Party of Sarasota “Statesman of the Year,” Trump comes off as Anwar Sadat. That would have been the Foghorn Leghorn of the GOP, former Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, who once famously said that he never really noticed any racial tensions while growing up. On his last day in office, he granted pardons and clemency to 203 people, including 19 convicted murderers.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

Via ABL.


In a Nutshell 0


And this is the problem, this fundamental reason why the GOP is jamming on the race card button as hard as they can. The notion that white America has lost control of the highest office in the land has driven more than a few of them over the edge.

Read the rest.


Der Spiegel Slices a Potato and Finds the End of an Empire 0

Der Spiegel analyzes the fight in Congress of serving fat pills fried potatoes in various forms to school children and finds unexpected metaphors. A nugget:

Since the eruption of the financial crisis, paranoia has taken hold in American politics. Americans’ faith in institutions has been shaken. The government has become the adversary of the citizens, and the elites the enemies of ordinary people. Rallying cries characterize both left-wing and right-wing protest movements, from the Tea Party to Occupy Wall Street. Those who do not shout these slogans, at least in part, find it difficult to be heard at all.

Politicians, such as former Alaska governor and Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, exploit the divisions. They invoke the US Constitution and America’s long-outdated clichés, such as the values of small-town life and the days when a handshake was still considered a word of honor.

The world has become more complicated and complex, but the political debate in America has become more simplistic — wilfully ignorant of climate change, inattentive to the new requirements of an immigrant society, wary of science and even unknowledgeable about the insights of food science.

Change versus idyll: That’s the new dichotomy of the political discourse, which consists of only two incompatible categories: American and un-American. When Michelle Obama recommended that Americans eat more vegetables and fewer sweets, and perhaps occasionally skip dessert, Sarah Palin acted as if the First Lady had declared war on freedom. Now Michelle Obama was trying to deprive Americans of their desserts, Palin claimed, and her fellow citizens in many parts of the country agreed.


Akin Brakin Ranks 0

Mike Papantonio to Republicans trying to walk away from Todd Akin, the women can’t get pregnant from rape candidate:

They are mad at Todd Akin because he said . . . what they really believe, that is, that women are objects. . . .

Hell, you (Republicans–ed.) invented Todd Akin. . . . Todd Akin is you.

Republicans: Watch what they do, not what they say.



Jerry Vale:

Whiskey is by far the most popular of all remedies that won’t cure a cold.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

I was setting up a computer to dual boot Windows 7 and Linux Mint and forgot that it was Thursday.

No significant change, but it can’t make Republicans, who want President Obama to fail, happy (emphasis added):

The number of people seeking first-time unemployment benefits rose a slight 4,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 372,000, evidence that the job market’s recovery remains modest and uneven.

The Labor Department said Thursday that the four-week average, a less volatile measure, increased 3,750 to 368,000.

Applications are a measure of the pace of layoffs. When they fall consistently below 375,000, it generally suggests hiring is strong enough to lower the unemployment rate.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.
