From Pine View Farm

Teabagvertising, Reprise 3

One more parody, one more too true to be funny. From the website:

This is a real print ad running in local media. We dummies thought it would pack more punch in video.



  1. George Smith

    October 10, 2012 at 3:30 pm

    I’m assuming the local ad doesn’t come with the various pix of his mom in her corset and high heels that’s been accompanying the “commie dad” pieces around the white right wing sphere.  

  2. Frank

    October 10, 2012 at 4:50 pm

    I haven’t seen that ad in these parts, though no doubt it’s floating around somewhere.

    The outright racism is actually quite appalling.  Today, I was discussing it with one of my political friends, a black lady who grew up in Connecticut and has no direct experience with Jim Crow,  that it’s kind of like witnessing an explosion.

    You might know the explosion is coming, but you still jump when it does.

  3. George Smith

    October 11, 2012 at 2:31 am

    Well put. I have a couple acquaintances who think my blood pressure spikes over Mitt Romney and the GOP. They think it’s funny, that one is worked up over nothing, just fringe issues. They seem to believe we still have a vigorous democracy. I don’t have high blood pressure.