From Pine View Farm

Facebook Frolics, Wishful Thinking Dept. 0

In a study to be published January in the Journal of Sex Research, the team led by assistant professor Megan Moreno from the University of Wisconsin–Madison found that sexual references and revealing photographs posted to Facebook by 18-year-old college freshmen were not associated with the students’ sexual experience. However, the sexual content was associated with an increased likelihood of initiating sexual activity.

Details at the link.

As near as I can decipher this story, it means that horny college students talk about sex, even if they aren’t getting any, but, the more they talk about it, the more likely they are to try to get some. (In other news, water wet.)

The researchers suggest that the voyeurs who run Facebook should increase ads about safe sex to said college students, based on their posts.


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From Pine View Farm
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