From Pine View Farm

November, 2012 archive

Droning On 0

Robert Greenwald discusses the rain of robotic death from the skies. A quote:

According to the NYU-Stanford study, and others are substantiating this, maybe two per cent of the people we are hitting are “high value” targets.


Facebook Frolics, Wishful Thinking Dept. 0

In a study to be published January in the Journal of Sex Research, the team led by assistant professor Megan Moreno from the University of Wisconsin–Madison found that sexual references and revealing photographs posted to Facebook by 18-year-old college freshmen were not associated with the students’ sexual experience. However, the sexual content was associated with an increased likelihood of initiating sexual activity.

Details at the link.

As near as I can decipher this story, it means that horny college students talk about sex, even if they aren’t getting any, but, the more they talk about it, the more likely they are to try to get some. (In other news, water wet.)

The researchers suggest that the voyeurs who run Facebook should increase ads about safe sex to said college students, based on their posts.


Cavalcade of Spots 0

Lies, damned lies, and Citizens Benighted:

Consider this: If all the election commercials on local stations had aired as one nonstop broadcast, it would have taken almost 11 days to view them – with no breaks for sleep.


A Virginian-Pilot analysis of political ad sales to the four Hampton Roads stations found that the commercials amounted to more than 260 hours of air time. That doesn’t include the barrage of nationally broadcast ads bought directly from networks or cable outlets.



Raymond Radiquet:

Originality consists in trying to be like everybody else and failing.


Great Moments in Stupid 2

MarketWatch dot com, an organ of Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, has implemented a Fiscal Cliff Countdown Clock (remember the “Fiscal Cliff,” a creation of your gridlocked-by-Republicans Congress as romanticized by your fact-free media?), the better to scare you with, my dear.

No link. Find it yourself.


Double Down 0

Two Republicans discussing the election and deciding they weren't conservative enough


Triangulating Globalization 0

E. J. Montini connects the dots:

In 1911 a fire killed 146 workers at in the Triangle Shirtwaist factory in New York. There were stories of trapped workers leaping out of windows to their deaths. That event had a lot to do with the rise of unionism in the United States.

Now, in order for Americans to get the cheap goods they demand on shopping days like Black Friday the ugly, unsafe labor conditions were moved to countries far way and into factories whose laborers we don’t care much about.

According to an Associated Press report from Dhaka, “When the fire alarm went off, workers were told by their bosses to go back to their sewing machines. An exit door was locked. And the fire extinguishers didn’t work and apparently were there just to impress inspectors and customers.”


Shreds of Privacy 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Criticize music, politely.

A man is facing murder and attempted murder charges for allegedly shooting a 17-year-old student at a Jacksonville gas station because the teen’s music was too loud.

The critic says he was only standing his ground.



Frank DeFord:

You can tell all you need to about a society from how it treats animals and beaches.


The Paradox Is Solved 1

I looked at the couch and realized that we have

    Shreddinger’s Cat!

Southern Strategy 0

Statue of Lincoln, encased in a cage with "Secede" graffitied on the base.  Caption:  "Good job, Bubba!"

Via Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog.


Fox News Hunting 0

Tom Ricks calls out Fox News, among others, for trying to gin up a scandal about Benghazi.


Droning On, If You Ignore It, It Will Go Away Dept. 0

If you don’t want to feel uncomfortable about gamers’ raining robotic death from the sky, don’t read this Asia Times article:

The world recently celebrated Malala Day in honor of the young Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai, an innocent victim of political violence perpetrated by the Taliban. She was rightfully honored as a hero for her willingness to speak up for her right to an education and against religious extremism.

While her bravery deserved the attention it received, it lies in stark contrast to the many other innocent victims of political violence in Pakistan. Indeed, the Drone War continues with hardly a mention in the US media. It is not hard to imagine that if Malala lived in a different village, she could just as well have been killed by a Predator drone as by the Taliban – and we’d know nothing about her courage.


Update from the Foreclosure-Based Economy 0


“Cyber Monday” 0

It’s all myth and hype, dreamed up by, natch, a marketer, and spread by a credulous media complex that can’t tell fact from fiction in shopping or politics.



James A. Michener:

It takes courage to know when you ought to be afraid.


Twits on Twitter, a Round-Up 0


Sporting Chances 0

It just isn’t possible that there is selective enforcement in the NCAA, now, is it?


Twilight of the Copy Editor 0

SFGate Headline:  Cleanup, iprobe resume in gas blast

I followed said link.

Nowhere in the story was there any indication of an iProbe, or any other kind of iJunk, being used in Springfield.

From Pine View Farm
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