From Pine View Farm

Gun Nut Paradise Approacheth Poste Haste 8

An official with knowledge of Connecticut school shooting tells the Associated Press that 27 people are dead, including 18 children. Many of the shootings took place in a kindergarten classroom, sources told the Hartford Courant. The gunman is reported dead.

No doubt the NRA will shortly produce a press release informing us that, had the kindergarteners been armed, they would have taken out the shooter.

Via Susie.



  1. George Smith

    December 14, 2012 at 1:48 pm

    Yeah, Ted Nugent’s going to have a busier week than usual being a raging as—–. Not enough permits to carry AR-15s in public. The really revolting part is that this will earn him money.

  2. Frank

    December 14, 2012 at 3:54 pm

     Bob and Chez had a good riff on gunnuttery and fetishism in this week’s show.  

  3. George Smith

    December 14, 2012 at 5:48 pm

    Like you, I grew up among gun lovers. I fail to understand how anyone decent could be a member of the modern NRA and not feel very bad about it. The image is the most horrid of base instinct, dog crap, psychotic illogic and inhumanity.  It boils down to “Don’t f— with my guns or I’ll shoot you. And if you don’t, maybe I’ll shoot you anyway.” Today. they were presented with a problem, and depending on what their loudest mouths say, one that could ink them permanently.

  4. Frank

    December 15, 2012 at 12:34 am

    I did not grow up among gun lovers.  

    I grew up among hunters.  

    Not the same thing.

    And you are wise to say, “the modern NRA.”  It bears no resemblance to the NRA that taught me gun safety in high school.   It has become a whole nother thing, an organization for which the tools of death have become a fetish.

  5. George Smith

    December 15, 2012 at 12:08 pm

    I remain astonished that, today, the Republicans in Michigan who rammed through a right to concealed carry law hours before the massacre can be found in the news saying the law might have allowed the school to be defended. What is to be done about people who think like this?  Cower before them, as usual?

  6. Frank

    December 15, 2012 at 12:57 pm

    I’m not surprised.  I predicted in my post.

    Chauncey Devega has a great post on the topic over at WARN.  I linked in this morning’s (Saturday) Gun Nut Paradise reprise.

  7. George Smith

    December 15, 2012 at 4:57 pm

    Yes, that was good. Just trotted over to read it. I noted today that the NRA and gun ownership are largely indivisible with the toxin ideology of WhiteManistan. If you go to the anti-NRA site, whoisthenra, it lists its leaders — all white men with an occasional token woman. It also notes that the NRA bet big in terms of financial support on Romney and GOP candidates, and lost the majority of its investment in 2012. And this shows, to me — anyway, that while complete freedom of gun ownership is a belief of white men and some women, it’s still a minority, one that was defeated, and likely to keep getting smaller. Paradoxically, the Democratic Party remains largely cowardly when faced by it. I would bet that there are results that can be had in attacking the modern NRA and renewing issues in gun control head on. It can really be pushed further to the fringes of red white rural USA with not much of a downside from the rest of the voting core. It’s irrevocably attached to white GOP pols and the voters already alienated by that party are not going to suddenly vote GOP to stick up for getting rid of assault rifles as sporting weapons, etc. 

  8. Frank

    December 15, 2012 at 11:39 pm

    WARN is one of my favorite sites, because Mr. Devega does not mince words.  I have learned a lot from him.  I would suggest that you subscribe to his RSS feed.

    As you may know if you have read back far enough, I can shoot.  I’m a damned good shot when I’m in practice.  

    But my self-identity is not wrapped up in steel and gunpowder.

    God forbid that my world should be so small as to fit into a cartridge.