From Pine View Farm

NRA Viagra 3

Strip away the rhetoric, and that’s what you have.

They should get a room already.

AR-15 Assault rifle



  1. George Smith

    December 26, 2012 at 11:44 am

    It’s what it comes down to. The last two weeks have destroyed all their arguments. It seems to me the selling and “panic buying” of Bushmasters has been height of morally reprehensible and irresponsible behavior. You had a slaughter in Portland, the big one in Newtown, and the one the day before Christmas, all employing the same assault rifle and what happens? Sales of it and huge ammo clips go through the roof because what they’re most concerned about is not having them, not the problem they have created for everyone else. And you know that since the incidence of violent behavior and mental illness is not zero in this gun buying white male part of the demographic that, somewhere, in the future, one or two or perhaps three of the weapons bought in the last week or so will turn up in another slaughter. 

  2. Frank

    December 26, 2012 at 10:57 pm

    I grew up shooting; many of my relatives are hunters, though I’m not (no particular objection to it–my father didn’t hunt, except for crows, so I don’t either).  
    I don’t get the gun-dolatry, not at all.  A gun is a tool, not a way of life.

  3. George Smith

    December 27, 2012 at 1:04 pm

    The pictures yesterday, everywhere, of young guys posing with their guns in front of Xmas decorations were particularly creepy. In what other countries do young men constantly get photographed hoisting assault rifles, Libya, Iraq, Syria, nations in overthrow.

From Pine View Farm
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