From Pine View Farm

December, 2012 archive

Text Booked 0

From El Reg:

A top divorce lawyer has warned that adulterous couples are increasingly getting caught out over text messages and other electronic communication sent during the Christmas period.

“It is really very sad,” Ayesha Vardag, dubbed Britain’s top divorce lawyer by the Law Society, told The Telegraph.

“We find a lot is that there are a lot of text message ‘bustings’ on Christmas Day, usually because the husband leaves the phone around and the mistress is sending messages. It is amazing how many times that is what catches people out.”


NRA Viagra 3

Strip away the rhetoric, and that’s what you have.

They should get a room already.

AR-15 Assault rifle


Cliffnotes 0

MarketWatch’s John Shinal thinks it’s not a big deal:

I remember, and that’s why I think the looming fiscal cliff has become the new Y2K, with its predictions of gloom and doom in the economic world once the calendar turns to Jan. 1, 2013.

Yet a funny thing happened to Y2K on its way to making mayhem: Companies and governments prepared for it. When the feared date finally arrived, it was close to a nonevent.

The villain known as the fiscal cliff now has less than a month left as a media star. The fear of it will have been worse, I believe, than the passing of the thing itself.

The scariest thing about the fiscal cliff is its name. Aside from that, it’s Congress-made problem that can be solved by Congress, if Congress has the guts to stand up to the wingnut right.

Via Philly dot com.



Bernard Manning:

I once bought my kids a set of batteries for Christmas with a note on it saying, toys not included.


Stray Thought, Special Christmas Edition 0

It is ironic that the biggest argument against Christianity is the conduct of those who most loudly proclaim their own Christian-ness.

Matthew 6:5.


Excess, Gangnam Style 0

Via Balloon Juice.


Excess 0

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Family 0

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Joy 0

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Family 0

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Fun 0

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Joy 0


If the embed doesn’t work, watch here.



Roy L. Smith:

He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.


Gift List 0

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The NRA’s Promised Land Is Just Across the River 0

I go away for one day, one damn day, to take my aunt some cheese straws for Christmas, and return to a new list of innocents dead of the politeness of an armed society.

These were actually lured into a trap and picked off like pigeons.

The NRA’s city on a hill is Dodge City. The hill, Boot Hill.


Christmas Trivia 0

Test your knowledge.

Take the quiz.


Republicans Are Agin’ Fedrul Spending 0

Except when they are for it.

GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE is urging Congress to approve a $60.4 billion Hurricane Sandy aid package by the new year, while acknowledging Friday that New Jersey cannot afford to rebuild on its own.

“Nor would any state that suffered $37 billion in damages,” the governor said at a news conference in Newark on Friday.

You can’t have it both ways.

Unless you are a Republican.

It’s the AC/DC Party.


Light Bloggery 0

Family, folks.


Maybe They Think They Are Being Funny 1

They aren’t.

They are just being humorless. And ponderously pretentiously pedantically pedestrian.



Benjamin Franklin:

A good conscience is a continual Christmas.

From Pine View Farm
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