From Pine View Farm

(…..) 1

Write your own title.

I’m sure you can think of several.

I know I did.

Couldn’t use any of them.

Vandalism in Mahanoy Area High School boys’ bathrooms has resulted in toilet paper being issued by request as needed, a policy that one parent believes is embarrassing for students.

Karen Yedsena, Mahanoy City, spoke during the public portion of Thursday’s school board meeting, asking about the policy.

“I’m asking about the high school and why the boys are not allowed to have toilet paper except if they go to the nurse or the office to get it,” Yedsena said.

The boys’ bathrooms in the high school do not have toilet paper due to vandalism. Any boy needing the bathroom tissue must ask for it and sign it out.

It seems that the drains have been repeatedly stopped up with paper.

I’m thinking, switch suppliers. Maybe give the kids newspaper.

The classified section would seem appropriate.

All seriousness aside, administrators seem to be desperately punishing everyone for the sins of the few.

Not that persons in charge have ever done anything like that before.

Clearly, students have the administrators on the runs.

Via the Tampa Bay Times.


1 comment

  1. Karen

    January 28, 2013 at 10:30 am

    You’re right. Several titles come to mind, not one can be used here.

From Pine View Farm
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