From Pine View Farm

January, 2013 archive


Fletcher Knebel:

A decision is what a man makes when he can’t find anybody to serve on a committee.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


If You Can’t Win, Steal 0


Faceook Frolics 0

Kathryn Haralson had already fielded calls from debt collectors at her home and work. They even phoned her daughter at college.

So when Haralson, 47, logged into her Facebook account one day, she was surprised by an unwelcome inbox message: a request to call “Mr. Rice” about her debt.

“It’s not like they needed to go on Facebook to find me,” Haralson said. “I was in contact with them all the time. That crossed the line.”

The government is considering regulating this sort of thing.

I’m all for it.

I used to get phone calls for the person who used to have my phone number. I don’t know anything about the previous possessor of that number except that she apparently owed a lot of people a lot of money. It reached the point that we just let all calls go right to the answering machine.

One outfit called four or five times a day, every day. When I tried to call them back, their automated “response” system made Verizon, whose customer service phone system is designed to keep callers from talking to real live human beings, look like a model of customer friendliness.

I finally made them go away by writing them a letter and copying my elected representative incongruously assembled.


Twits on Twitter 0

Apparently, he thought this was funny. Others were not amused.

A high school student is facing an identity theft charge for allegedly opening a Twitter account in the name of the director of a Tennessee county’s public school system, cops report.

And, in other news of the twits . . .


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Dick Polman hands out the “Well-Regulated Militia Awards.” A sample:

Second runner-up: At a home in Richmond, Virginia 10 days ago, somebody left a loaded gun on the kitchen table. A four-year-old picked it up and shot his great-uncle in the head. Bye bye, great-uncle. The local district attorney said the tyke thought the gun was a toy. A neighbor reportedly said, “Nobody knew that was going to happen.” Well, gee. if a Well-Regulated Militia member leaves a loaded gun in plain view of a curious kid, that does tend to heighten the odds of someone getting plugged in the head. Anyway, authorities said the four-year-old is legally in the clear.

In related news, Maine man gets time for stealing courtesy:

A New Sharon man was sentenced Thursday in U.S. District Court to 27 months in federal prison for possessing 19 stolen firearms, including six semi-automatic rifles, five semi-automatic pistols and numerous shotguns.

Frankly, I’m mildly surprised the gunnuttery was not analyzed by Krafft-Ebing.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

A little bit better and looking more like a trend.

Applications for unemployment insurance payments decreased by 5,000 to 330,000 in the week ended Jan. 19, the fewest since the same week in 2008, the Labor Department reported today in Washington. Economists forecast 355,000 claims, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg survey.


The number of people who continue to collect jobless benefits fell by 71,000 to 3.16 million in the week ended Jan. 12, the fewest since July 2008. The continuing claims figure does not include workers receiving extended benefits from the federal government.
Extended Benefits

Those who’ve exhausted their traditional benefits and now are collecting emergency and extended payments decreased by 365,600 to 1.69 million in the week ended Jan. 5. These figures may also be distorted because of the holidays, the Labor Department spokesman said.


Only in It for the Money 0

This is stupid. And predatory.

Two New Jersey men sued Subway this week, claiming the world’s biggest fast-food chain has been shorting them by selling so-called footlong sandwiches that measure a bit less than 12 inches.

The suit, filed Tuesday in Superior Court in Mount Holly, may be the first legal filing aimed at the sandwich shops after an embarrassment went viral last week when someone posted a photo of a footlong and a ruler on the company’s Facebook page to show that the sandwich was not as long as advertised.

It’s like suing Hertz because they don’t levitate you into the driver’s seat.

In other news of the predatory, but not Facebook-related and not quite as stupid, there’s this. . . . .


Pretzel Logic 2

Conservative Logic:  Dixie Chicks say they are ashamed of Bush, face GOP backlash.  Ted Nugent says Obama is a commie dictator, implies and assassination attempt, gets feted and rewarded by Republicans.

Via Bartcop.



Jules Verne:

Liberty is worth paying for.


The Paranoid Style 0

Wife to gun nut loaded with newly purchased tools of death:  Feel safe yet?  Gun nut:  I think I'll go back for another 50-round clip.

Hofstadter was right.

Image via Bartcop.


The Wedding Industrial Complex 0

Psychology Today blogger Laurie Essig attends a “Bridal Expo.”

This past weekend I went to study the species homo romanticus at a wedding exp. Wedding expos, for those of you who have never been to one, are generally held in hotel ball rooms and like any other expo allow vendors and consumers to find one another. Want the perfect cake for your day? You’ll find it there. How about a perfect body? You can go to bridal bootcamp for ten weeks for about a $1000 or you could go over to the cosmetic procedures booth and find out how to melt fat away with lasers. Maybe you want a limo or a balloon ride or the perfect wedding band or a song written for your beloved. You’ll find that and more at a bridal expo.

While there, she interviews couples to find out why they are willing to spend more than they have for a few hours on a single day.

Check it out; see whether you can find any rationality in the reasons.

I couldn’t.


I once knew a fellow, a construction worker type of guy, who cashed in his retirement to pay for his daughter’s wedding. Words fail me.


Ten Years Later 1

GOP, 2003:  How dare you question the President.  GOP, 2013:  I have a right to question the President.

Click for a larger image.

Via Bartcop.


Cartoons on Fox 0

Jon Stewart lampoons our lightweight media, simultaneously contrasting Fox News’s cartoon Obama with the real man through masterful juxtaposition.

Via TPM.


Both Sides Not 0

In a column about the promise of President Obama’s second term, Leonard Pitts, Jr., almost as an aside, skewers those who think President Obama must be more conciliatory.

Keep that in mind as people parse Barack Obama’s second inaugural address. Keep it in mind as they debate What It All Means that he has adopted a more combative stance toward Republicans in Congress, that he sang the praises of liberal values, that he apparently became the first president in history to take a stand for — or even mention — gay rights during an inaugural address. Keep it in mind as Republicans piously declaim Obama’s failure to seek common ground with them, conveniently forgetting that every time over the last four years the president reached a hand out to them, he drew back a nub.

The “both sides do it” “Obama is too partisan” crowd are nothing more than apologists for the Republican Party, fog machines obscuring the reality of Republican obstruction.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Guns fuel the drive for courtesy.

Overland Park (Kansas–ed.) police are searching for a man who fired several shots at another driver’s car Monday morning near 79th Street and Metcalf Avenue.

The road-rage incident began about 7:30 a.m. near 91st Street and Metcalf Avenue, police Capt. Todd Chappell said.


Droning On 0

The capsule version.


“It’s Not the Powerless Who Corrupt Democracy . . . .” 0

Thom explains the engine of corruption.


Yippee Tyson on! 0

Did Nick Carter foresee modern agriculture?

Who destroyed the fractious factory farm?

Was Frank Perdue peeping around that corner?

Who conned Agra?

And what exactly is a “Monsanto,” anyway?

Find out now!

Listen to the Case of the Chemical Chickens (mp3) now!

Read more »



John Kluge:

Money is not a fund of knowledge.

From Pine View Farm
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