From Pine View Farm

Gardens by the Sea 0

As soon as we left the house, the sun disappeared. Nevertheless, I am going to inflict some of my pictures from yesterday’s outing to the Norfolk Botanical Garden on the inner webs.

bush reflecting in pool

Craig Mitchell Smith sets up one of his glass sculptures for this summer’s exhibit.

Sculptor Craig Michael Smith assembles glass sculpture from rowboat in middle of pond

A sculpture already in place:

Glass sculpture of leaping fish

I need to crossbreed some of these with my roses. Maybe then they will cooperate.

"Obedient Plant," AKA "Miss Manners"

Bronze:  two girls dancing obverse

Bronze:  two girls dancing reverse

The inscription reads

There are so many gods
so many creeds
so many paths
that wind and wind
just the art of being kind
is all this sad world needs.


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From Pine View Farm
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