Virginia Beach
Second Thursday of the Month
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In the latest migration to a new virtual private server, some of the links to images in the earliest posts to this blog were broken. If you encounter one of these broken links, please let me know. I have backups and can restore the images.
There’s only one person who agrees with me on everything, and, as I’m not running for office, that person is not on the ballot.
Rachel Maddow explains how George the Worst plans to cruise into history.
April 27, 2013 at 3:00 pm
I’m not sure it’s about having short memories. I think it’s not being able to face up to being complicit in evil. No one wants to talk about it because it’s a stain on the soul. Krugman had this to say in his blog today:
“Bush brought an unprecedented level of systematic dishonesty to American political life, and we may never recover.
“There was a time when Americans expected their leaders to be more or less truthful. Nobody expected them to be saints, but we thought we could trust them not to lie about fundamental matters. That time is now behind us — and it was Bush who did it.”
April 27, 2013 at 3:05 pm
Short memories on purpose?