Use ‘Em Up, Throw ‘Em Out 0
Virginia prepares to throw its adjunct (read, “underpaid and exploited”) professors to the wolves.
A “fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay” need not apply.
Adjuncts have proliferated in Virginia, in no small part because they’re cheap: A typical adjunct who teaches a full course load year-round, including summers, earns about $25,000 a year – barely above the federal poverty level for a family of four.
Adjunct teachers are being snagged by Gov. Bob McDonnell’s decision to limit part-time state workers to a maximum of 29 hours a week. The reason: The federal Affordable Care Act requires that employees working 30 hours a week or more receive health care benefits, which by one estimate could cost Virginia more than $100 million a year.
“I have colleagues with Ph.D.s who moonlight at restaurants to get health insurance or, in some cases, have no health insurance at all,” she (Sarah Williams-Tolliver–ed.) said.
’nuff said.