From Pine View Farm

Collateral Damage 4

Gun nuts’ worship of their leaden Baals puts Little League games in the sights.

With competing gun-related rallies scheduled Saturday at Williamson Park in Morrisville, used by the town’s Little League, league officials, at the urging of state police, are moving, rescheduling, or canceling more than 20 games to avoid any potential conflict that might erupt over the emotional issue.

The matter is of particular urgency, since supporters of gun rights say they plan to legally carry guns as part of their rally.

One wonders why they don’t indulge in more normal and harmless fetishes, such as foot-worship or cross-dressing.



  1. George Smith

    May 8, 2013 at 1:50 pm

    Third Battle of Bull Run scheduled although they’ll lack the nerve to fire a shot. If there were fairness in the system they’d be treated to tear gas the way Occupy Wall Street was.

  2. George Smith

    May 9, 2013 at 11:17 pm

    The Neo-Confederates always chicken out. But someone not in the club, who actually has a dog-eared copy of “The Turner Diaries,” may be inspired to draw plans. Ted Nugent never has to do the deed. He just creates the atmosphere in which people even less sane think he’s sending them a message. 

  3. Frank

    May 10, 2013 at 4:06 pm

    That’s how the Timothy McVeighs are created.  


    Many of the right-wing whackadoodles are in it for the money.  I’m convinced that, for the Becks and Limbaughs, it’s a schtick.  They couldn’t make it as DJs, but they’ve found a formula and an audience.  Their politics may indeed be right-wing, but their daily spew of conspiracy conspiracy conspiracy, likely not so much.


    Then they are shocked! shocked! when the audience takes them seriously.