From Pine View Farm

May, 2013 archive

Shelter from the Storm 4

Dick Polman notes that public buildings, such as schools, in Moore, Oklahoma, right smack at the intersection of I-35 and I-Tornado, do not have storm shelters, because freedom.

But Moore is hardly unique in Oklahoma; it takes its cues from state government, which doesn’t require storm shelters, either – all this, in a region that gets hit by tornadoes more times than anywhere else in America.

Maybe I’m just a blue-state guy posing a blue-state question, but I have to ask: Isn’t it the prime responsibility of government to protect its citizens, and provide for the common good?

Apparently not in red-state alley, because this is where Freedom comes in.


Headline of the Day 0

From the Roanoke Times:

Contempt is not a Christian value


Sequestrian Dressage 0

Der Spiegel points out that, come summer, the effects of Sequestration will start to have noticeable effects and looks at the absurdity of the whole darn thing. A nugget:

The absurdity of the cuts angers the people they affect. The US can undoubtedly see how Southern Europe is driving itself into the ground with its belt-tightening measures and how unemployment there is skyrocketing. But, here, the country is pulling its own plug. “Austerity, including sequestration, is the economic version of medieval leeching,” wrote Jared Bernstein, former chief economic adviser to Vice President Joseph Biden, in the New York Times in early May. People in the Middle Ages believed a sick person needed to lose supposedly bad blood in order to regain health.

That, of course, was nonsense.

More sense about nonsense at the link.


Citizen Koch Addicts 0


Stalking Talking Points 0

Reg Henry is fed up with talking points:

Amazingly, a simple time existed not long ago when people just asked other people for the facts. Can you imagine it? The facts! Just the facts, ma’am. What’s the story, morning glory?

But then some chronically political person decided that the plain story would never do. It would be better to arrange the salient facts into a persuasive sequence in order to win arguments. The talking point, its hour come round at last, slouched toward Washington to be born.

It is important to understand that talking points are not neutral. They serve an argumentative purpose. If repeated enough, people’s brains throw a tiny rope out of their ears and slide down to a less tedious environment. At that point, political victory can be claimed.

Read the rest.


Sequestrian Dressage 0

It is an article of faith amongst the wingnutosphere that the evul fedrul guvmint is mostly a waste of money and doesn’t do anything productive (except, natch, for blowing people up in far away places with strange sounding names). Therefore, budgets can be cut ruthlessly and heedlessly, because all that spending is for nothing (except, natch, &c.)

Then, when they discover that the evul fedrul guvmint does do real things that affect real people, and that those heedless, ruthless budget cuts might affect stuff that they care about, they make a sound similar to that of stuck pigs.

With hurricane season approaching and the devastating Oklahoma tornado only days past, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is considering mandatory furloughs for all employees, including weather forecasters.

The proposal has produced sharp reaction from meteorologists and an elected official.

“The severe weather events in Oklahoma this week have further convinced me that we should not take any chance that avoidable furloughs might result in a degradation of weather prediction and forecasting services,” Rep. Frank R. Wolf, R-Va., wrote in a letter Wednesday to the Department of Commerce, which oversees NOAA.



Marie Curie:

Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Another tale of youthful politeness.

The shooting death of Margaret “Maggie” Hollifield, 10, of Crozet, has been ruled accidental, Albemarle County police said Thursday.

The pastor’s daughter was shot shortly after 10 a.m. Tuesday by a “juvenile male,” police said. County police continued Thursday to refuse to disclose details such as the shooter’s relationship to Hollifield, or whether charges will be filed in her death.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


Now, on Tour: Cooch and the Cuckoos! 2


Light Bloggery 0


Editing audio in audacity


No Self-Awareness Whatsoever 0

I guess it’s because they don’t want to admit they are racists, even to themselves, that most racists cannot recognize when they are doing something racist.


School for Scamdal 0

Via C&L.


Facebook Frolics, An Armed Society Is a Polite Society Dept. 0

The day after he replaced his Facebook picture with that of a shotgun shell, a Chester County man shot and killed his longtime girlfriend, officials said.

More politeness at the link.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

A little better:

Jobless claims decreased by 23,000 to 340,000 in the week ended May 18, Labor Department figures showed today in Washington.


Economists’ estimates in the Bloomberg survey ranged from 338,000 to 360,000. The Labor Department revised the previous week’s figure to 363,000 from an initially reported 360,000.

The four-week moving average, a less volatile measure than the weekly figures, dropped to 339,500 last week from 340,000.


News Ripped from the Ticker 0

The usual warning: Language, no taste.



Isaac Asimov:

If I am right, then (religious fundamentalists) will not go to Heaven, because there is no Heaven. If they are right, then they will not go to Heaven, because they are hypocrites.


Driving while Black 0

Lyrics at the YouTube link.

More here.

More about TWIB.


“Wanna Buy a Bridge?’ 0

It’s a natural.

Natural BridgeJim Woltz has a bridge in Rockbridge County he wants to sell you — Natural Bridge.

Woltz’s company, Roanoke-based Woltz & Associates, has been retained to market the Virginia landmark and tourist attraction, along with an accompanying 150-room hotel, Natural Bridge Caverns and 1,600 acres.


Everybody Must Get Fracked 0
