From Pine View Farm

A Becoming Punishment 0

This seems to be a typical sentence from the coverage of the Boy Scouts of America’s recent policy change:

Finkel, from Mount Airy, who is straight, no longer has to worry about gay scouts being kicked out. The Boy Scouts of America voted Thursday to allow gay scouts within its ranks starting Jan. 1, a policy shift that, while engendering controversy nationally, was generally welcomed with open arms by many scouting-affiliated area residents.

Most of the coverage has been framed in terms of “allowing gay boys.”

It’s a matter of emphasis, but an important one: It’s not about “allowing”; it’s about not persecuting.

Boys typically joined the Cub Scouts at eight or nine and the Boy Scouts at 11 or 12. At those ages, they are still pretty much asexual.

“Openly gay” boys did not join the scouts.

Boys matured into their sexuality after they are already scouts.

Then the Scouts persecuted them for who they became.


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