A Picture Is Worth 0
Elsewhere, Chauncey Devega rominates on the topic. Follow the link to read the rest; you’ll be glad you did:
Birtherism, and Republican Joe Wilson’s unprecedented heckling of President Barack Obama during his State of the Union Address in 2009 is a parallel to Paula Deen’s fantasy.
Conspiranoid fantasies of Secession and a second Civil War are also part of this national derangement on the part of the White Right and Tea Party GOP. The murder of Trayvon Martin by George Zimmerman, and how Republicans have rallied to Zimmerman’s defense, is a reflection of a foundational assumption that black people must always be subservient, and surrender to White authority–as well as those overly identified and enamored with it–in any circumstance.
Projecting forward, at the end of her saga Paula Deen will be forced to publicly apologize for her racism. In that moment, and keeping with script, she will also channel some tears in order to get back into the good graces of her fans.
Image via Contradict Me.