June, 2013 archive
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Politeness, life in the streets.
If the other folks had had shotguns, no doubt no one would have been hurt.
C*O*P*S 0
Your tax dollars on patrol in Lakeland, Florida, as the police diligently search for contraband (video below the fold because it autoplays).
Innermost Thoughts 0
Sometimes, it is best to keep them “innermost,” especially if you are a not nice person.
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
Resolve family disputes, politely.
Facebook Frolics 0
Facebooking the foreclosure-based economy.
Keeping a High Profiling 0
Courtland Milloy, long-time reporter and columnist for the Washington Post, tells what it is like to “look fishy” to someone somewhere.
Later I learned that the tourist also thought I looked a lot like Saddam Hussein.
And that’s all it took. Say goodbye to Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure.
Words Fail Me 0
Bringing new meaning to “sesame seed buns.”
I miss Philly.
Compared to Philly, Virgina Beach is pretty damned dull.
No There, There 0
Ezra Klein looks at Bobby Jindal and sees an example of the political (in the sense of “polity,” not in the sense of “horserace”) bankruptcy of Republicanism. A nugget:
The upside of this theory is that it frees Jindal and the rest of the Republican Party from having to do the hard work of rethinking and renewing its own governing agenda. The downside of this theory is that it’s utter nonsense. And the most damaging part of this theory is that it’s utter nonsense aimed at Jindal’s own base.
Peeping Toms Come to a Party 2
Has there been any organization since the Inquisition that has been as fascinated with the private parts of others as the Republican Party? Dick Polman:
“Watch a sonogram of a 15-week baby, and they have movements that are purposeful. They stroke their face. If they’re a male baby, they may have their hand between their legs. If they feel pleasure, why is it so hard to believe that they could feel pain?”
By suggesting that teensy male fetuses spank the monkey, Burgess was apparently trying to make a case for the pain canard.
Read the rest.
The Galt and the Lamers 4
In the course of discussing criticism he has received for a column he wrote on Ayn Rand, Jonathan Chait dances around his own feeling about that lady:
Read the rest.
Intellectual Propriety 0
Patent, trademark, and copyright law right now is a mess, filled with trolls and extortionists. The term “patent troll” exists for a reason.
Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0
The only constant is that Bloomberg’s “experts” were off the mark.
The four-week moving average, a less-volatile measure than the weekly figures, climbed to 348,250 last week from 345,750.
The number of job seekers who have exhausted their traditional benefits and now are collecting emergency and extended aid fell by about 19,550 to 1.68 million in the week ended June 1.