July, 2013 archive
Two Different Worlds 2
The world of those who get it and that of those who do not. From Cleveland dot com.
Someone who can look at Trayvon Martin’s death and not see him as a martyr to white racism lives in a different world from me.
The Party of Mean 0
Chris Honore is dismayed by the Republican intransigence on SNAP.
Methinks he is too restrained.
New Tales of Old Christine 0
She’s back, and she’s still not a witch.
The Voter Fraud Fraud 0
Zandar reports on Republicans in North Carolina:
See his reasoning at the link.
Break Time 0
Time to drink liberally.
Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0
For all practical puposes, no change.
Those who’ve used up their traditional benefits and are now collecting emergency and extended payments fell by about 21,300 to 1.62 in the week ended July 6.
The unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits dropped to 2.3 percent in the week ended July 13 from 2.4 percent the prior week, today’s report showed.
Brand Loyalty 0
He had had all he could stands, he couldn’t stands no more.
Theft of the Self 0
Leonard Pitts, Jr., contemns right-wing attempts to turn Trayvon Martin into a thug.
What man or woman among us would be willing to let the rest of us judge them based not upon who they are and what they have done, but solely upon our perceptions of people like them? There is, for instance, a perception that methamphetamine use is concentrated among white people in red states — in other words, Sean Hannity’s audience. May we treat all white people in red states accordingly? Will they go for that deal? Of course not.
Yet we daily crucify young black men upon that cross and pretend to moral righteousness in the doing. Trayvon is not the first victim. He’s not even the latest.
I always thought that a thug is someone who would stalk a random innocent kid in the darkness because he didn’t like the kid’s looks and then slay him for no good reason.
Twits on Twitter 0
Tony Norman comments on Geraldo’s “selfie.”
More selfie-awareness at the link.
Driving while Dunk 0
Beating the heat on the autobahn . . . .
But there’s one question that even police experts have been unable to answer: Is it illegal to drive a swimming pool?
Poolside photos at the link.