From Pine View Farm

September, 2013 archive

International Reputation 0

It turns out that Fox News has one.


Ransom Note 0

As Chris Honore points out in the Ashland, Oregon, Daily Tidings:

As irrational — some say darkly Quixotic — as their (Republicans–ed.) quest seems, that is where they are headed. And here is what further baffles: though they have taken ACA hostage, their threat isn’t that if the White House and Dems fail to do their bidding that they will shoot the hostage. What they’ve done instead is sent a bizarrely convoluted ransom note to the White House and the Democrats with the demand is that the Dems shoot the hostage, meaning ACA. And failing to do so, these same House conservatives will set in motion a series of reprisals. Surreal to be sure, but truly, you can’t make this stuff up.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Be polite during bathroom breaks.

Brandon Rapé was in a pickup truck with two friends Thursday about 11 p.m. when they pulled to the side of Sylvan Lake Drive near Sanford so that Rapé could answer the call of nature, a Sheriff’s Office report states.

The men saw a large snake in the road, and Jared Hemphill, also 18, decided to shoot it with a semiautomatic rifle that belongs to Dustin Downer, 21.

Hemphill heard a noise in the bushes and assumed it was the snake, so he fired the Remington Speedmaster and accidentally struck Rapé in the left thigh, he told investigators.

Guns and stupid, always a great combination.


“Sooey, Sooooo-ey, Heeere PigPigPigPig” 0

Warning: Language.



Aung San Suu Kyi:

It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Late night tidbit:

Cartoon lampooning Senator Ted Cruz in Seuss-like rhyme.

Via Balloon Juice.


“Naked Is the Best Disguise” 0

I’m torn.

On the one hand, considering that everyone has at least one naked body, I’m having trouble figuring out what all the fuss is about.

On the other hand, the sights might be just too haunting.

If you can’t let people run naked through a haunted house on your own property in Berks County’s Spring and Sinking Spring townships, well, what can you do?

Maybe just host a boring, regular haunting house.

That’s the conundrum facing Patrick Konopelski, the owner of a Halloween attraction called Shocktoberfest’s Naked and Scared Challenge, after disapproving reaction to his idea about the “naked” part.


Facebook Frolics 0

Art Museums need not apply. John Aravosis reports:

Facebook today banned mention of a new art exhibition at Paris’ famed Musée d’Orsay impressionism museum, claiming that the exhibit violates Facebook’s “community standards.”

Ruh roh.

The exhibit in question, called “Masculin,” is a look at the naked male form from 1800 to the present.

Details at the link.


News, Ripped from the Ticker 0

In the usual bad taste.


“Members Only” 0

Reg Henry has a wonder:

What is with this strange Republican obsession with health care anyway? It is downright weird. Do they think health care is like a country club — no point in being a member if everybody has privileges?

I think he’s on to something . . . .

Read the rest.


News from the iJunk Yard 0

Trouble in the walled orchard’s workers’ paradise.

About 2,000 Chinese employees of an iPhone assembly company fought a pitched battle into the early hours of Monday, forcing the huge electronics plant where they work to be shut down.

Authorities in the northern city of Taiyuan sent 5,000 police to restore order after what the plant’s Taiwanese owners Foxconn Technology Group said was a personal dispute in a dormitory that erupted into a mass brawl.

However, some employees and people posting messages online accused factory guards of provoking the trouble by beating up workers at the factory, which employs about 79,000 people and is owned by the world’s largest contract maker of electronic goods.

Via LQ.


Cooch, Cuckoos, and Cluelessness 0

A perfect threesome.

Let Dick Polman explain.


“Heritage Care” 0

Via Delaware Liberal.


Why I Have Trouble Taking the Tamba Bay Rays Seriously 0

Whenever I see a headline like this, I think of Desperate Housewives.



Theodore White:

The best time to listen to a politician is when he’s on a stump on a street corner in the rain late at night when he’s exhausted. Then he doesn’t lie.


Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


Cruz (Out of) Control 0

It’s a wandering discussion, but listen to Senator McCaskill try to talk sense about health care and politics on Morning Joe.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The one thing that has become clear about Senator Ted Cruz is that he suffers from Attention Deficit Disorder as defined by Chez Pazienza:

Mr. Cruz cannot stand a deficit of attention.

Via Delaware Liberal.


Zero Tolerance, Zero Sense 4

A seven-year-old boy, suspended after taking a novelty pen onto a school bus, has filed a federal suit against school officials in Pennsylvania alleging the district’s weapons policy is unconstitutional.

Officials punished the boy with a four-day suspension and branded him a “weapons offender” for possessing the pen, which emitted a small shock when the cap was pressed.

But it’s okay for a gun nut to pack heat in a bar.

You couldn’t make this stuff up.


Misdirection Play 0

I call shenanigans.

In a letter sent last week to President Obama, U.S. Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick contended that the Affordable Care Act had caused Sesame Place, one of Bucks County’s biggest tourist attractions, to terminate health benefits for its part-time employees.

“This law is hurting real people in my district and around the country,” the Bucks County Republican wrote.

A spokesman for SeaWorld, the amusement park’s parent company, confirmed Wednesday that the company was cutting the weekly work limit for part-time employees from 32 to 28 hours.

No, what’s causing the pain here is the refusal of employers to pay a living wage or to provide reasonable benefits.

To paraphrase Daffy Duck, they’re despicable.


Green Eggs and Spam 0

The Tampa Bay Times goes Seussian.

Just read it.

From Pine View Farm
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