From Pine View Farm

Regulatory Rigmarole 2

Dan Casey tells the story of a lady who needed an oversized toilet seat to fit an oversized toilet marketed under a big box store’s house brand, only to be told by the big box store that they were no longer available because regulations.

Then she contacted one of her state legislators:

She called Sen. John Edwards, D-Roanoke, and got his aide Alison Baird on the line and explained the problem.

Baird later called Vickie back after researching the issue. The Virginia General Assembly has “never, ever voted on the length of a toilet seat,” Vickie said Baird told her.


A third (lesson learned–ed.) is that people seem ready and willing to cast blame on “regulations” that probably don’t exist, adopted by a “legislature” that probably doesn’t either. And they don’t even get embarrassed when you call their bluffs.

But that’s not the end of the story of the end. Follow the link for the restroom of the story.



  1. Karen

    September 30, 2013 at 11:17 am

    First off, anything that has a brand name of Pegasus is something to be run from. Fast. The Pegasus kitchen sink faucet is really good for scrapping brass because it’s heavy. It’s also MADE TO FAIL in less than 2 years. We actually tell customers who are looking for a good faucet not to buy anything Pegasus. It a mid-range cost with a cheap life span. As for her search for a 19″ toilet seat, best thing she can do is replace that toilet with a GOOD name brand, such as Toto. Those will suck down golf balls. Avoid Kohler, they are really proud. But I’m prejudice against them. Want to know more about fixtures?? Oh, if you ever buy American Standard, do not break anything. You have to replace the whole thing. That’s how they make them.

  2. Frank

    September 30, 2013 at 12:23 pm

    “Suck down golf balls.”
    That is a well-turned phrase!

From Pine View Farm
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