From Pine View Farm

2013 archive

Break Time 0

Off to drink liberally.


Wars and Rumors of War 0

In the Bangor Daily News, Amy Fried tees off on the war mongers:

I’ll cut to the chase. There is no “war on Christmas.” It’s a phony, ginned up annual attempt for a small set of Americans to express their cultural grievances.

But you, dear readers, deserve more than that.

So I’ll offer some personal reflections and a bit of history.

As someone who celebrates Jewish Christmas — a movie and Chinese food — it seems beyond absurd to think Christmas is anything put pervasive.

Between the constant Christmas songs and crowded stores and many beautifully decorated trees and strangers who used to ask my kids what they thought Santa would bring them and others who tell me “Merry Christmas” (and, no, I’m not offended, although, even though I know they were meant with the greatest warmth and sincerity, the comments to my non-Christmas celebrating kids were kind of a bit much), Christmas is everywhere.

It’s a wonderful column. Please do read the rest.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Practice politeness.

Authorities in Volusia County, Florida, are investigating whether a 69-year-old man’s death on Wednesday was the result of reckless shooting from a nearby resident’s backyard gun range.

The Daytona Beach News-Journal reported that Bruce Fleming was standing in his own backyard when he was hit in the chest by a gunshot. He was pronounced dead at a local hospital.


Drinking Liberally Virginia Beach Today 0

Fun and fellowship for liberals. Join us and talk about anything in a relaxed atmosphere.

When: Thursday, December 26th, 6 p.

Croc’s 19 Street Bistro
620 19th Street (Map)

More here.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

A little better.

Jobless claims declined by 42,000 to 338,000 in the week ended Dec. 21, a Labor Department report showed today in Washington.


The jobless claims report showed the four-week moving average, a less volatile measure than the weekly figures, rose to 348,000 last week from 343,750.


Mutiny over the Bounty 0

In the West Chester, Pa., Daily Local, Wile E. Coyote speaks out about efforts by a Pennsylvania state representative to establish a bounty on coyotes. A nugget:

And there are some who think it’s a bad idea to offer rewards for our heads, thinking that the incentive will lead to hunters taking potshots at anything that resembles a coyote — the neighbor’s Labrador or Fluffy the cat.

It’s a valid concern, but seriously, anyone who can’t tell a coyote from a cat really shouldn’t be armed.*

It almost makes you think that the Legislature is beholden to the roadrunner lobby.

But that’s OK. We coyotes have a powerful lobby on our side too, one that depends on our patronage for its business success, a corporation that has made good coin over the years serving the coyote community’s catapult and rocket skate needs.

You think the Acme Company is going to sit back and let this happen?


*In a society in which men shoot their own children and the victims of traffic accidents seeking help so as to prove their credentials as macho men, methinks Mr. Coyote dismisseth this concern too lightly.


Christmas in the Parking 0

This Christmas light display turned into a real hit.

Beckwith said the women attacked her Sunday night over a bad parking job on Lakeview Avenue.

The mother took her 5-month-old twins and 9-year-old to look at the lights when she was confronted by the angry pair.

“I said, ‘You need to settle down. I have kids with me. Let me move my car. It’s no big deal,'” she described.

The next thing Beckwith knew, her head was being slammed against a car, she was punched in the face and her hair was being pulled.


A Sucky Policy 0

Uncle San vacuuming up data with NSA vac until vac turns on him and sucks him up.

Click for a larger image.

Via Progressive Populist.



Reinhold Niebuhr:

Nationalism: One of the effective ways in which the modern man escapes life’s ethical problems.


Happiness 0

And our closing number is dedicated to Bill-O and all the boys and girls at Fox News.


Excess 0


Cheer 0


Cheer 0


Joy 0


Fun 0


Joy 0


Joy 0



Eric Severied:

As long as we know in our hearts what Christmas ought to be, Christmas is.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Questions are impolite.

Shoot first. Ask questions later.

A man shot and killed his stepdaughter Monday morning after apparently mistaking her for a burglar, according to police.

She was 14 years old.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.

Words fail me. All I have left is profanity.


And Now for Something Completely Different 0

Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here.

Warning: Strange, minor language.
