The Secesh 0
The North may have won the war, but the South won the peace with masterful post-war propaganda, such as Gone with the Wind, that exploited the latent bigotry of white America.
The tide finally seems to be turning in the battle for the peace–maybe–but the Secesh fight on. In a recent skirmish, Daniel Ruth took on the Sons of Confederate Veterans. A nugget:
On its website the group argues the Confederacy “personified the best qualities of America. The preservation of liberty and freedom was the motivating factor in the South’s decision to fight the Second American Revolution.”
And if you believe that poppycock wrapped in balderdash enshrouded in piffle, you probably also buy into the notion the nearly 4 million people owned as chattel by their slave owners at the start of the Civil War happily wiled away their hours, gleefully toting those barges and lifting those bails with their only care in the world centered around how to invest their 401k plans.
Full Disclosure:
I could qualify to be a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, but I find even the fleeting thought repulsive.