Will Bunch: The Party’s Over, It’s Time To Call It a Day 0
Will Bunch thinks the tea party is done. A nugget:
But while I do think that racial politics — especially the fear that whites will soon be a minority in America — is in the DNA of the Tea Party, I also think something deeper was at play, especially in the halcyon days of 2009 and 2010. The rank and file of the Tea Party was being used, by two-bit entertainers like Glenn Beck and politically by the likes of the Koch Brothers and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Teabaggery was a fraud and a scam from the git-go, a made-up Astroturf movement that has turned on its creators by wresting control of the Republican electorate from the Wall Street crowd. It was, as Bunch points out, nothing new; it was the same old crowd of bigots, conspiracy theorists, and right-wing whackjobs that have been the wingnuttiest foot soldiers of the far right extremists for years.
One thing is certain.
They’ll be back. They’ll have a new name and new costumes, but they’ll be back, because haters gotta hate. It gives their sorry empty lives meaning.
And they will still be morans.