From Pine View Farm

Primary Screams 0

Reg Henry, registered Republican, is fed up with primary elections in Pennsyltucky.

A nugget:

If you are a true GOP stalwart, the sort of person who thought Sarah Palin highly intelligent, it is probably about now in the column that you are saying: “This guy shouldn’t be voting in Republican primaries.”

Guess what? You are right. But you can rest easy, because in this primary Republican voters in my area had almost nothing to vote for: a governor opposed by a write-in candidate, some unopposed lawmakers, some committee people. To someone like me who thinks of voting as an act of civic communion, it was like going to the altar and finding that they had run out of bread.

I don’t agree with him–primaries are better than conventions, as the Virgina Republican Party learned to its sorrow, but he has a larger point–too often, because of gerrymandering and voter apathy, primaries don’t matter.

Here in Virginia, we have elections every year. Statewide offices come up for election in off-years (it’s nothing more than an attempt to reduce turnout in off-year elections, but it’s unlikely to change). Nevertheless, it’s easy to find Virginia voters who aren’t aware that elections are taking place in odd-numbered years, even though it’s hard to see how they could be so far inside their personal bubbles as to miss them.

Voting is not a right. It’s duty.

If you do not vote, and vote every time you can, you deserve what you get.

Unfortunately, you take me right along with you, and I should not have to pay the price for your dereliction.


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