From Pine View Farm

“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society,” Reprise 0

Play politely.

Rapper/actor ICE-T’s grandson has been arrested after allegedly shooting and killing his roommate in Georgia.

Elyjah Marrow, 19, was playing around with a handgun in his apartment on Tuesday when it accidentally went off, fatally wounding pal Daryus Johnson.

Marrow has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and a slew, nay, two slews of other stuff.

I cannot help wondering this wonder: If Marrow were not Not-White, would we be hearing the police at a press conference announcing that this was yet another case of a “tragic accident” and that charges were not being filed because “he’s suffered enough”?

And don’t you dare tell me that wondering that wonder is not rational.

You know that it is.


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From Pine View Farm
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