September, 2014 archive
Bowdlerdash 0
Leonard Pitts, Jr., comments on the right’s campaign to bowdlerize American history, leaving out the bits they don’t like (which, not surprisingly, are the bits that give the lie to their propaganda). A nugget:
Read the rest.
Make TWUUG Your LUG 0
Learn about the wonderful world of free and open source. Learn how to use computers to do what you want, not what someone else wants you to do.
It’s not hard; it’s just different.
What: Monthly TWUUG Meeting.
Who: Everyone in TideWater/Hampton Roads with interest in any/all flavors of Unix/Linux. There are no dues or signup requirements. All are welcome.
Where: Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital in Norfolk Training Room. See directions below. (Wireless and wired internet connection available.) Turn right upon entering, then left at the last corridor and look for the open meeting room.
When: 7:30 PM till whenever (usually 9:30ish) on Thursday, October 2.
Lake Taylor Hospital
1309 Kempsville Road
Norfolk, Va. 23502 (Map)
Pre-Meeting Dinner at 6:00 PM (separate checks)
Uno Chicago Grill
Virginia Beach Blvd. & Military Highway (Janaf Shopping Center). (Map)
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
“A Day’s Work for a Day’s Pay” 0
Dream on.
No iJunk Need Apply 0
Steve Ballmer compiled an enviable record while CEO of Microsoft. From Bing! to Windows 8, every major decision he made was wrong. He’s no longer CEO (see the preceding sentence), but he is still Microsoft in the head.
Words fail me.
Creation Myths 1
Robert Reich spoke in Seattle yesterday and punctured a myth (not that anyone will pay attention):
Follow the link for the rest.
Scot Free? 0
The next time you hear someone say “states’ rights,” ask, “States’ rights to do just what, exactly?”
“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0
The Long Goodbye 0
Bob Molinaro on milking it for all it’s worth:
The Voter Fraud Fraud 0
The Republican gut-out-the-vote effort continues:
The State Board of Elections says it has received hundreds of complaints from people receiving the forms. “It’s caused a lot of confusion,” said Joshua Lawson, a public information officer for the board. He noted that the board of elections works with political groups to prevent just this kind of misinformation, but Americans for Prosperity didn’t contact the board about the mailings.
It’s simple. Republicans know that, if people vote, they will lose. (Americans for Prosperity, by the way, is fueled by Koch.)