From Pine View Farm

Nutshell 2

Southern Beale sums up the hysteria, which, you will note, is being ginned up by the usual right-wing fear mongers.

It is truly amazing to hear the same people who bitched and moaned about how TSA body scanners at U.S. airports violated their civil rights now attack nurse Kaci Hickox for not submitting to a 21-day house arrest on her return from Africa.

We are a society of stupid.


I was agin’ the body scanners, mostly because I considered them a waste of money and effort, silly security theatre, not because I thought they violated civil liberties. Civil liberties are no more; corporations have stolen them. For example (via Bruce Schneier):

Adobe’s Digital Editions e-book and PDF reader—an application used by thousands of libraries to give patrons access to electronic lending libraries—actively logs and reports every document readers add to their local “library” along with what users do with those files. Even worse, the logs are transmitted over the Internet in the clear, allowing anyone who can monitor network traffic (such as the National Security Agency, Internet service providers and cable companies, or others sharing a public Wi-Fi network) to follow along over readers’ shoulders.



  1. Southern Beale

    October 30, 2014 at 1:46 pm

    “Even worse, the logs are transmitted over the Internet in the clear, allowing anyone who can monitor network traffic (such as the National Security Agency, Internet service providers and cable companies, or others sharing a public Wi-Fi network) to follow along over readers’ shoulders.”

    This will only rattle the cages of faux-Libertarians and right-wingers when it happens under a Democratic administration.

  2. Frank

    October 30, 2014 at 10:09 pm

    A Libertarian is a Republican who is ashamed to admit it.

    Thanks for visiting.

From Pine View Farm
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