From Pine View Farm

October, 2014 archive

News, Ripped from the Ticker 0


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

The Republican Plan:  Gerrymandering, Voter ID, Limiting Polling Places and Hours.  After the election, Republican shouts,

Via Jobs’s Anger.


Drinking Liberally Hampton Roads Third Birthday Party Tomorrow 0

Come help us celebrate.

When: 6:00 7:00 p. m., Tuesday, October 29.

Tripps Restaurant
101 South Independence Boulevard
Virginia Beach, VA (map)


Fear and Mongers of Fear 0

This case of racist ebola profiling (there was, natch, no ebola, but there was a hell of a lot of racism, fed and nurtured by Fox News and CNN and many local rags) is vile beyond words.

Meanwhile, John Oliver tells you how to keep safe.

Video via C&L.


Lies and Lying Liars 0

The Texas State Board of Education:


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Drive politely.

Police in Oakland say a 30-year-old woman was shot to death during a possible road-rage confrontation.

Officer Johnna Watson says Perla Avina was riding in a Toyota Camry Sunday afternoon in the city’s Brookfield Village neighborhood when someone in another car shot her in the face.

If every driver were armed, no doubt events of this nature would not occur.

Also, pigs, wings.



Buddy Hackett:

As a child my family’s menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

If you must unload on those around you, do so politely.

A 56-year-old man is in serious condition after accidentally being shot in the abdomen Sunday morning while hunting with three or four others in the Brown’s Gulch Road area north of Butte, authorities said.

Sheriff Ed Lester said another person was unloading a hunting rifle when it accidentally discharged and hit the man in the abdomen. Police were called at 10:29 a.m.

Am I the only person who’s ever heard of something called “a safety,” not to mention something called just plain “safety“?


Bordering on Insanity 0

TV Talking Head says,

Via Job’s Anger.


Shoot the Messenger 0

At the Bangor Daily News, a guest blogger marvels at the difference in police tactics in responding to the violent riot in Keene, New Hampshire, and the almost-entirely peaceful demonstrations in Ferguson, Missouri. She offers a theory of causation; here’s a snippet:

It seems to me that the “Pumpkin Fest Riots” were met with restraint because A) the rioters were white men, and B) the riot was infused with alcohol, and not infused with a message. Imagine if these rioters were actually protestors carrying signs stating, “We are the 99%” or “Justice for (insert name of young black teen)”!


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

If you hear it on Fox News, verify it with at least three independent sources before you believe it.

Via Raw Story.


Turnover 0

I was wondering the bank has a new manager.


Trendspotting 0

If the ads for adult diapers flooding my telly vision are any indication, America is is drowning in an epidemic of incontinence.

It must be a real pis–oh, never mind.

All seriousness aside, assuming that Republican diaper fetishists have not taken over my telly vision, those ads are a clear attempt to create a market where none exists.


The new make-up that the cosmetic companies are pushing is even worse and an even more transparent attempt to create a market where none exists. Give me a diaper over blood-red vampire lipstick any day of the week and twice on Sundays.


Welcome to Redneckistan 2

Chez Pazienza is your tour guide.

His phraseology might be a bit–er–strong, but that’s just a matter of style. The substance is quite accurate. Birds of a feather and all that.



Will Durant:

The political machine triumphs because it is a united minority acting against a divided majority.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

Pap doesn’t mince words.


Walking while Black, the Spin Cycle 0

The blunt fact is that Darren Wilson is using a traditional Southern defense strategy, one which seldom fails–something that I have heard white folks say in my presence: “What’s the big deal. It was only a n****r.”

Video via Chauncey de Vega, who points out that

Ultimately, what is the needlessly complex theater surrounding the death of Michael Brown at the hands of Darren Wilson can be crystallized down to one essential truth. Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown for the “crime” of being black and walking in the street.

This is not a new crime in the United States.


Button, Button . . . . 0

Man wearng

Click for a larger image.


In Restraint of Trade 0

The fee hand of the market ensures that, in some states, forget buying, or even test driving, Tesla because free markets, baby.

In Michigan, Gov. Rick Snyder signed a law effectively banning Tesla Motors, the high-end electric car manufacturer, from selling its cars in the state. It is the fifth state to do so, following Texas, Arizona, New Jersey and Maryland, and a slew of other states are erecting other creative restrictions that make it harder for the Silicon Valley upstart to sell cars locally.

To clarify, none of these states has explicitly singled out Tesla in legislative language; instead, they just require anyone wishing to sell a car to consumers to do so through an independent dealership. The middleman, you see, wants his cut.

Why is this so obviously targeting Tesla? Tesla prefers to sell through its own corporate-owned stores and, for various reasons, has refused to participate in the traditional franchise dealership model.

This is the fee hand of the market at its best.

(Error fixed.)


No Joe King 0

The Sacramento Bee’s Jack Ohman releases another campaign ad.

It’s almost as bizarre as the ones I zip on my telly vision every day.

From Pine View Farm
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