From Pine View Farm

November, 2014 archive


Ralph Bunch:

There are no warlike people – just warlike leaders.


The Religious Wrong 0

Writing at the Boston Review, Claude S. Fisher presents a strong case that the religious right is driving Americans away from organized religion. A snippet (the word “Nones” below refer to those who, when asked their religious affiliation on various surveys, answered “None”):

The specific, religiously-inflected politics that alienated more recently-born moderate and liberal Americans from the church were the politics of personal morality (rather than the politics of, for example, inequality or foreign policy). Thus, political polarization around the culture wars seems to have driven the rise of the Nones.

Fanaticism is never pretty. In the long run, those who promote a theocracy in the United States will suffer the same fate as England’s Roundheads, but much unpleasantness lays along the way.


“Do You Want Lies with That?” 0

Burger King King to Mchelle Bachmann:


Gutless and Gutted, Reprise 0

Leonard Pitts, Jr.:

The Democrats had nothing to say and said it ineptly, running from the achievements of recent years — the Affordable Care Act, falling unemployment rates, a soaring stock market — and the president who presided over them like Usain Bolt from a house fire, defending themselves from Republican attack about as effectively as the Iraqi Army defends Iraq. Which is to say, not very.

The party presented no compelling argument for itself. It didn’t just lack the courage of its convictions; it also lacked its convictions.

The Republicans also had nothing to say, but they said it loudly and with great certitude: “Obama caused Ebola! Obama caused ISIS! Obama is going to give your job to an illegal! GOP: 2014!”

Now the leaders of both parties are spouting the usual cliches about finding ways to work together. And anyone who believes that will happen probably also believes singing an insurance company jingle will make your agent magically appear.

Read the rest.


The Slow Death of Journalism 0

My local rag has laid off my favorite sportswriter. After 38 years with the same employer, he is done.

I now have no reason whatsoever to look at their sports section, except, possibly, to watch NASCAR devolve back to its hillbilly rum runnin’ roots.

As my two or three regular readers know, I’m fed up with big time sports, but I always read his column because I appreciated his point of view and, by heavens, the man can write.

AFAIC, nothing on the internet has damaged legitimate journalism more than Craig’s List, which has destroyed the classified advertising that was the life’s blood of newspapers.


The Voter Fraud Fraud 0

How it used to work:

Learn more at the Boston Globe.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Fly the polite skies (emphasis added).

More passengers than ever are showing up at airports with weapons in their carry-on luggage, and Dallas-Fort Worth leads the pack, federal officials say.

Security checks of departing passengers this year have turned up a record-setting 1,855 firearms in carry-on bags, the Transportation Security said Nov. 6. Of those, 1,471 or 79 percent were loaded, according to a new report.

Follow the link to find out which airports are the most polite airports.

We are a society of stupid.


Platform 0

Man as Republiccan series of

Click for a larger image.


Strengths and Weaknesses 0

The Gloomy Historian tries to parse the why the election turned out the way it did. A nugget:

Sometimes the question is posed as such; why are Democrats so good at governing and so lousy at campaigning, while Republicans are so good at campaigning and lousy at governing?

Follow the link for his theory.



Tom Hopkins:

I never take advice from anyone more messed up than I am.


And Now for Something Completely Different. 0

Animated GIF:  Scully being beamed into space ship as Muldar watches in horror.

Via Sampler, an image site (some images NSFW).


Water Is Wet 0

In other shocking news, developers run this town.


You Get What You Pay for 0

The Theory of Negativiity:  As spending on negative ads went up over the past 40 years, so did the public's negative views of government.

Via Job’s Anger.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

The hunt for politeness marches on.

A 22-year-old Oklahoma man is believed to have accidentally shot and killed himself Tuesday night while gathering hunting gear at his home, according to the Delaware County Sheriff’s Department.


The Voter Fraud Fraud and the Gutless Wonders 0


Shopping Spree 0

Biliionaire shopping on line.  Points mouse at Senate and clicks

Via Job’s Anger.


Chartering a Course for Disaster 0

Another example of the privatization scam at work:

The North Carolina State Board of Education has issued a warning to a charter-school chain for failing to comply with an agency order to disclose the salaries of school administrators. The schools have been put on “financial probationary status,” which could lead to sanctions if their board does not comply within 10 business days.


In an earlier response to regulators, the schools’ board chairman, John Ferrante, stated that the schools are “contractually bound to preserve [the management company’s] trade secrets.” He also said that the nonprofit does not actually have the salary information for management company employees.

Whatcha wanna bet that the trade secret is that too much “education” money is really going for country club memberships?


Into the Darkness, Citizens Benighted Dept. 0



Claude Levi-Strauss:

The world began without man, and it will complete itself without him.


Republican Science 0

Cartoon title:  The Bliss of Anti-Science.  Detail:  Man leaning out window to man standing on ledge of skyscraper:

Click for a larger image.
