From Pine View Farm

November, 2014 archive

Sucklers at the Public Teat 0



Rand Gestures 0

One more time, a Libertarian is a Republican who’s ashamed to admit it.


Question of the Day 0

Daniel Ruth:

. . . by now, after years of stores hyping their big sales and discounts on various items to entice you across their thresholds, you are aware those same discounts will in all probability be available right up until the doors close on Dec. 24?


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness promotes domestic tranquility.

19-year-old Attiyah Fenwick was inside the apartment in the 100 block of Heritage Way that she shares with her boyfriend when she became upset at him and fired a gun several times, according to the release. Fenwick also lit a plastic bin and other items on fire in the dining room, police said.


Dream Deferred Denied 0

Statue of Maring Luther King looking at statue of Uncle Sam running away from

Click for a larger image.



Samuel P. Huntington:

Partial truths or half-truths are often more insidious than total falsehoods.


Facebook Frolics 0

Thought police.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Get an unload of this politeness.

Authorities say two teenagers were shot in eastern Pennsylvania by a man who says his rifle accidentally discharged while he was unloading it.

The state Game Commission says the bullet passed through a 14-year-old girl’s left knee and entered the abdomen of a 15-year-old boy Tuesday night in a wooded area behind Tamaqua Area High School.


Network Security Theatre 0

Notice that it’s “opt out,” rather than “opt in.” The hope, natch, is that you won’t notice it at all.

Twitter said it is now tracking what other apps its users have installed on their mobile devices so it can target content and ads to them better.

Twitter Inc. said Wednesday that users will receive a notification when the setting is turned on and can opt out using settings on their phones. On iPhones, this setting is called “limit ad tracking.” On Android phones, it’s “opt out of interest-based ads.”

And people worry about the NSA.

(More details at the link.)


Republican Thanksgiving 0

Republican in Pilgrim garb saying,

Via Balloon Juice.


Civil Discourse 0

Raw Story has tips about how to deal with what Driftglass calls “your Crazy Uncle Liberty” when Uncle Liberty insists on peddling Fox News talking points at holiday dinners.


Reclaim Thanksgiving 0

Don’t go shopping.


Traditional Thanksgiving 0

History of Thanksgiving

Click for a larger image.

Learn more here.



Jon Stewart:

I celebrated Thanksgiving in an old-fashioned way. I invited everyone in my neighborhood to my house, we had an enormous feast, and then I killed them and took their land.


Context 0

Werner Herzog’s Bear points out that history matters.


Sham Sandwich, Reprise 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

. . . and a polite society is a clean society.

State police at Clearfield report Paul Hazel was holding a 9mm handgun and attempted to begin cleaning it when it unexpectedly went off. As a result, Hazel was struck in the abdomen/hip area and the bullet exited his lower left back area. The bullet then traveled into an adjoining room and struck Andrew Hicks on the backside of his left hand and traveled through his palm.

Stupid, but clean.


How Stuff Works 0

Leonard Pitts, Jr., explains the concept of “burden of proof” in black and white. A nugget:

. . . my point is that the bar of proof is set higher when white people – police officers in particular – kill black ones. My point is that rules change and assumptions are different when black people seek justice.

Knowing that, who can be surprised at what happened in Ferguson, Missouri, Monday night? Who can be surprised that a prosecutor who didn’t seem to want an indictment did not convince a grand jury to return one in the August shooting of Michael Brown?

Read it.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

Back over 300k.

Jobless claims increased by 21,000 to 313,000 in the week ended Nov. 22, the highest since early September, from 292,000 in the prior period, the Labor Department reported today in Washington.


The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits dropped by 17,000 to 2.32 million in the week ended Nov. 15, the fewest since December 2000.

In that same period, the unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits fell to 1.7 percent, the lowest since November 2000, from 1.8 percent the prior week, the report showed.

In other news, Bloomberg’s experts blew it again.


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

White guy looking at TV reports of violence in Ferguson, Mo.:

Via Job’s Anger.

From Pine View Farm
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