From Pine View Farm

November, 2014 archive

Flip This House . . . 0

. . . even though you don’t own it. My local rag describes the scam; here’s a snippet:

Michael Russo, an attorney who handles title insurance cases in Annapolis, Md., calls them “orphaned properties.” In one case, he said, the family of a woman who died discovered she had purportedly sold her property to someone three weeks earlier. By the time they found out, that person had flipped the property to a legitimate buyer. The family had to prove, without her there, that she never made the sale.


Pam Day, owner of Day Title Services in Richmond, said technology is making such crimes even easier. Land records are now on the Internet, enabling thieves to electronically lift and replicate signatures. It could get worse if the industry starts using one electronic signature for closing, which she said some people advocate because buyers and sellers wouldn’t need to sign huge stacks of paper.

“That’s where we are going in the future,” she said, “but unfortunately, you’ve got the World Wide Web of crooks out there.”




The integrity of men is to be measured by their conduct, not by their professions.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Play politely.

According to the Middeltown Press, the three-year-old was taken to the Providence Medical Center where it was determined that his mouth injury was not just a result of force exhibited by a swinging door but was actually a gunshot wound. Following this discovery, the three-year-old was flown to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle.

The other child involved in the accident is just four years old. It is not yet clear how or why the three-year-old was shot, or even how the four-year-old child may have gotten a hold of the gun.


Elephant Tears 0

Republicans responsing to President Obama's immigration announcement:

Via Job’s Anger.


How Stuff Works 0

Equation:  GOP Rage divided by GOP Options equal GFQ (GOP Froth Quotient)

Jim Wright sums in up (follow the link for the full post–you’ll be glad you did):

As expected, Thursday night President Obama announced that he will take unilateral action via executive order to reform the nation’s immigration system.

And as expected, this morning Republicans are going apeshit.

Because going apeshit is the only thing Republicans can agree on.

Graphic via TPM.


“A Nation of Immigrants,” Reprise 0


Folks, my great grandfather did not come here from Ireland to see this country overrun by immigrants.

Video below the fold in case it autoplays.

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Not Neutrality 0

Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell:  When it comes to net neutrality, we're with big, rich corporations and against the little guy like you.  In other words, we're stuck in neutral.

Via Juanita Jean.



Tracey Ullman:

It’s sometimes shocking to find out what people really believe in.


Smoked 0

Giving new meaning to the term “vaporware” . . . .

A report on social news site Reddit suggests that at least one “vaper” has suffered the downside of trusting their cigarette manufacturer. “One particular executive had a malware infection on his computer from which the source could not be determined,” the user writes. “After all traditional means of infection were covered, IT started looking into other possibilities.

“The made in China e-cigarette had malware hardcoded into the charger, and when plugged into a computer’s USB port the malware phoned home and infected the system.”

Rik Ferguson, a security consultant for Trend Micro, says the story is entirely plausible. “Production line malware has been around for a few years, infecting photo frames, MP3 players and more,” he says. In 2008, for instance, a photo frame produced by Samsung shipped with malware on the product’s install disc.


Thanksgiving Terrors 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Picturing politeness at Florida State.

Tweet from FSU shooting from daughter to father:  There's a man with a gun in the library.  I love you.

Via PoliticalProf, who wonders, “Is this the society we have created?”

Demonstrably, it is.


Light Bloggery 0

Family affairs.



Richie Asburn:

I wish I’d known early what I had to learn late.


True Colors 2

By their own acts they show their true colors.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.


Hate makes persons do stupid stuff. The stupid stuff is transient, but the hate goes on . . . .


And Now for Something Completely Different 0

Will Wheaton’s Panorama Ephemera Mashupa. From the YouTube page:

This work was created by combining audio and visual works obtained from the Internet Archive, at The visuals are from Panorama Ephemera, which was found in the Prelinger Archives. The audio was remixed and processed in Audacity, and comes from several different sources, also originally found at the Internet Archive.

Betcha can’t watch it all the way through.


The Process 0

Yastreblyansky explains how David Brooks does it.


Watch What They Do, Not What They Say 0


The Keystone to the Kingdom 0

Jon Stewart discusses the Republican Party’s efforts to benefit Canadian oil, because Big Money is, after all, Big Money.

Video below the fold in case it autoplays.

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“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness is essential to customer service.

A 20-year-old employee said that when a friend of his came into Joy Grocery Store on North U.S. Highway 17, he picked up a .380-caliber gun kept at the store for security and began handling it. The gun accidentally discharged and struck his friend in the shoulder.


“Wretched Excess” 0


From Pine View Farm
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