From Pine View Farm

November, 2014 archive

“Kill the Messenger” 0

Shaun Mullen.

Just read it. Understand what your tax dollars paid for under St. Ronnie the Reagan.


Meme Me Not 0

What Noz said.

I think I need a new “category.”

How about “See Foot Shoot Foot”?



Jen Kirkman:

Parenthood can be very rewarding, but let’s face it, so are margaritas at the adults-only pool.


“A Nation of Immigrants” 0

The dark side of the self-image of the United States as a “nation of immigrants” is the racism and bigotry that underlies the history of America’s immigration policies.

As I discussed at tonight’s DL, the less white the immigrant stream, the more restrictive the immigration “policies.”

If freedom races through America’s bloodstream, racism courses through its lymph system.

Ask me nicely, I’ll tell you what I really think.


Not Neutrality 0

Funny or Die wonders what life would be like if utilities acted like American ISPs.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Getting a leg up on politeness:

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources says 20-year-old Kyle Fry of Edgewood is recovering from a non-life-threatening wound in a Dubuque hospital. Officials say he accidentally shot himself in the leg with a .22 caliber rifle over the weekend near Littleport in Clayton County. They say he was trying to get his tracking dogs away from the raccoons when the gun fired.


Give Us Your Tired, Your Poor Oh, Forget It 0

Andy Borowitz uncovers the Republican Party’s Grand Rand Strategy on immigration:

Appearing with House Speaker John Boehner, McConnell said that, in contrast to President Obama’s “Band-Aid fixes,” the Republican plan would address “the root cause of immigration, which is that the United States is, for the most part, habitable.”

“For years, immigrants have looked to America as a place where their standard of living was bound to improve,” McConnell said. “We’re going to change that.”

Follow the link for the rest.

Via Liberaland.


If One Standard Is Good, Two Must Be Better 0

Republican:  Obams is weak and passive.  Obama:  I'm issuing an executive order.  Republican:  Obama is overstepping his authority


Responsible Fiscals 0


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

Still under 300k.

Jobless claims fell by 2,000 to 291,000 in the week ended Nov. 15 from an upwardly revised 293,000 in the prior period, a Labor Department report showed today in Washington.


The four-week average of claims, a less-volatile measure than the weekly figure, climbed to 287,500 from 285,750 the week before.

The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits dropped by 73,000 to 2.33 million in the week ended Nov. 8, the fewest since December 2000.


Hang Outs 0

Mt ex was a nurse.

If she had to be hospitalized, she would get two gowns; she would wear one frontwards and one backwards, so as not to parade about with bits hanging out for others to see.

It would seem that some genius has come up with a way to make that unnecessary.

One wonders how many brain cells that required.



Joe Louis:

I don’t like money, actually, but it quiets my nerves.


Chartering a Course for Disaster 0

Yves Smith, blogging at Naked Capitalism, dissects the privatization scam. A nugget:

As the post below on the march of school privatization in Wisconsin demonstrates, those concerns are remarkably absent from current debates. The training of children is simply another looting opportunity, like privatizing parking meters and roads. The objective is yet another transfer from some of the remaining members of the middle class, public school teachers, to the promoters. And this process also produces an important side benefit for socially unenlightened capitalists: that of slowly breaking one of the last influential unions.

And lest you had any doubt, despite the claim that charter schools help children, the evidence is that it doesn’t. Moreover, the pattern in capitalism American style is towards ever-greater crapification. So imagine what private schools, where the operators are on relatively good behavior because the project is still in its demonstration phase, look like in ten years.

Do read the rest.


It Doesn’t Add Up 0

Caption:  US lags farthest behind in the subject of math.  Image:  Mitch McConnell as school boy counting on his fingers saying,

Via Job’s Anger.


Twits on Twitter 0

Gaming palace twits.


Dave & Buster’s is just Chuck E. Cheese with a liquor license.


The Deserving Hungry 3

Colbert takes on food insecurity and “salvage stores.”

Below the fold in case it autoplays (also, there’s likely a commercial).

Read more »


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

The hunt for politeness continues apace.

Knox County Sheriff Allen Gudehus told KTVO the accidental shooting took place on a farm southeast of Novelty.

He said a man from Illinois was shot by a family member who was deer hunting with him.

Was it the antlers or the little white tail . . . .


Drinking Liberally Tomorrow, in Chesapeake 0

Come and have some fun.

When: Thursday, November 20, 6:00 p. m.

Greene Turtle
1401 Greenbrier Pkwy, # 2260 (Greenbrier Mall)
Chesapeake, VA (map)


Marketing Death 0

Old men lie. Young folks die.


Stray Thought 0

Of all the mindless fads–pet rocks, chia pets, low-profile tires–the one that most beggars the imagination is the sudden fascination with kale.

From Pine View Farm
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