From Pine View Farm

March, 2015 archive

“The Lowest Form of Evidence that Exists in This World Is Eye-Witness Testimony” 0

Neil de Grasse Tyson discusses science, epistomology, and “arguing from ignorance.”

Via Raw Story.


Legacy, Bushie Style 0

Members of ISIS looking at portraits of Dick Cheney, Geoge W. Bush, and Donald Rumsfeld.  One says to the other,

Via Job’s Anger.


Pretzel Logic, Reprise (Updated) 0

In Republican World, a law that allows persons to discriminate is not about discrimination, because pretzels.

Addendum, Later That Same Day:

PoliticalProf has a question.


It’s Time To Grow Up 1

One thing that irritates me most about my fellow lefties is the purists, the “so-and-so did not agree with me on my one little issue so I will start a third party/not vote/cut the soles out of my shoes and learn to live in a tree and play the flute” types.

Real life is not pure.

You have to live and vote in the real world. If you don’t, you are an idiot.

You may be a pure idiot, but you are still an idiot.

Attaining pure idiocy is less than an optimal life choice.


Projection Is a Not Just a Psychological Concept 0

It is something that people do so as not to face up to their own rotten selves.



Dee Dee Myers:

Trying to negotiate getting a couple of kids to watch the same TV show requires serious diplomacy.


A Picture Is Worth 0

Image:  If you have to make a law that hurts a number of people just to prove your morals and faith, then you have no true morals or faith.

Via PoliticalProf.


The Last Round-Up 0



Still Rising Again after All These Years 0

Reg Henry finds the Sons of Confederate Veterans’ suit to compel Texas to allow them to display the flag of the secesh on their Texas license plates to be less than salutary.

To be fair, those who see the Confederate battle flag as merely a historic artifact of Southern culture cannot be collectively condemned as racists. But those who are offended have their reasons, too. Through the filter of nostalgia, the Confederate cause may seem to be about honor and duty in the service of states’ rights but there’s no getting around the fact that the war to preserve that way of life was at base about preserving bondage based on skin color.

Do follow the link and read the rest.


Blood Lust 0

In The Guardian, Ed Pilkington ruminates on the rationale for Utah’s return to the firing squad and America’s fascination with the death penalty.

Just read it.


“He Must Be High on Something, Someone Said” 0

The lust of the media to make make up myths about kids’ getting high on weird stuff that no one is actually getting high on mystifies many.


Pot Luck 0


A Michigan man who thought he was having a stroke was hospitalized this week after eating several pot brownies that were baked by his teenage daughter, police report.


The victim’s 17-year-old daughter told cops that she left the brownies out because she did not think anyone in her family would touch them (the girl was apparently unaware of the deep affinity middle-age men have to such unattended sweets).

Back in my younger days, I had one guiding principle: Don’t do something stupid and you won’t get caught.



Soup or Sausage? 0


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

NRA paradise comes to the home.

“My son got the keys to the gun cabinet and he shot his little sister,” the woman said in a 911 call released Friday.

“We keep the keys put up on top of the fridge but he went up and got them.”

The toddler was shot once in the head inside a residence on Bon Jan Lane, according to Highland Heights police. Police have not said who they believed fired the shot. They did confirm that the mother and a 5-year-old boy were in the house when the girl was shot.



Lynn Johnston:

The most profound statements are often said in silence.


Mavens of Media 0


All the News that Fits 0


Bible-Thumpers 0

Three men beating gay man bloody with their BIbles

The Gospel of Love.



Via Job’s Anger.


Redistribution of Wealth 0

Paul Krugman looks for a reason for the fanciful Republican budget proposals. A snippet (emphasis added):

One answer you sometimes hear is that what Republicans really believe is that tax cuts for the rich would generate a huge boom and a surge in revenue, but they’re afraid the public won’t find such claims credible. So magic asterisks are really stand-ins for their belief in the magic of supply-side economics, a belief that remains intact even though proponents in that doctrine have been wrong about everything for decades.

But I’m partial to a more cynical explanation. Think about what these budgets would do if you ignore the mysterious trillions in unspecified spending cuts and revenue enhancements. What you’re left with is huge transfers of income from the poor and the working class, who would see severe benefit cuts, to the rich, who would see big tax cuts. And the simplest way to understand these budgets is surely to suppose that they are intended to do what they would, in fact, actually do: make the rich richer and ordinary families poorer.


Sign-Ups of the Times 1

Ted Cruz:  I will repeal every word of Obamacare, except two (points to computer screen displaying the words,

Click for a larger image.

From Pine View Farm
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