From Pine View Farm

Tipping Point? 0

Josh Marshall thinks that the reaction to Indiana’s recent law permitting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is qualitatively different from what’s happened in the past and that Indiana’s bigots did not anticipate it. A snippet:

Don’t we go through this story almost every year in which some red or reddish state pushes through some anti-gay rights law? This happens every year like spring follows winter. But this time something is different. Yes, there have been boycotts before. In Indiana itself, business groups wary of bad publicity and boycotts played a role in beating back another effort to ban same sex marriages. But here you have a flood of proactive statements by different companies saying they’ll shun the state. That seems to have created something of a rush to the exits (or entrances?) with various organizations which a few years ago likely wouldn’t have touched this kind of controversy signing themselves up for the effort.

Now Gov. Pence is reduced to lamely complaining that his and the legislatures efforts have been misunderstood or distorted. “I just can’t account for the hostility that’s been directed at our state,” Pence told the Indianapolis Star. “I’ve been taken aback by the mischaracterizations from outside the state of Indiana about what is in this bill.” He can’t even manage the standard, conservatives in my state are being victimized by the axis of gays and liberals. He seems genuinely surprised.


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From Pine View Farm
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