The March (and April and May) of the Zombie Lies 1
In related news, Leonard Pitts, Jr, peers from the ramparts of Helm’s Deep and sees the attacking forces of Sauron stupid, the army of the zomebies zombie lies of wingnuttery.
”That’s the argument conservatives found “hateful” “sickening” and “dishonest.”
So it is, depending upon your religious outlook, a fortuitous coincidence or superfluous evidence of God’s puckish sense of humor that a few days later comes news of conservatives accusing the federal government of trying to take over the state of Texas.
May 11, 2015 at 11:22 am
Been there. Wrote they would be quoting passages from “The Turner Diaries” if they could quickly find the pages that didn’t have stuff about using nuclear weapons on DC, the FBI and military, and killing everyone else not genuine Mericans.