From Pine View Farm

June, 2015 archive

Hate Is Not an “Illness.” It’s Hate. 0

At The Roanoke Times, Maurice S. Fisher explains the differences. Here’s a bit (emphasis added):

. . . hate is not a mental illness. Hate is learned and it’s behavioral manifestations of bigotry and prejudice are socialized in people when they are young by the adults who reared them. To be sure, inculcating hate in young children has the effect of weakening their minds. For example, weak-minded people are susceptible to white supremacist ideology because it has the power to make these individuals feel less worthless and inadequate. Historically, white supremacy has been attractive to disenfranchised white men, because it gives them a cause to rally around. Said differently, hate is a family value for many — the in-group is solidified by hating the out-group. There is no biological basis for hate; it, too, is learned.

I don’t think the demarcation is quite as sharp as Mr. Fisher makes it. Nevertheless this is a newspaper column, not a scholarly work, and he has a point.

Hate may sometimes be an outgrowth of illness, but it is also its own thing with its own dynamic. If hate is an illness, almost the entirety of the white South has been mentally ill and needing to be put in a “home” since 1619.

In related news, Leonard Pitts, Jr., takes down those who would pretend that Dylan Roof was not motivated by pure racism.


“Dr. Obamacare–ER, Stat” 0

At the Justice John Roberts Medical Center, President Obama walks out smiling.  Meanwhile, GOP Right is admitted on a stretcher.
Click for a larger image.


How Stuff Works: Political Consultancy 0

Bearded fanatic preaches from soapbox,


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Politeness takes practice.

A 64-year-old man was shot and killed in an apparent accident at a gun range near Concord, authorities said.


Predation 0

At Psychology Today Blogs, Robert W. Fuller tries to explain why racism persists relentlessly. Frankly, I find the latter portion of his post to be jargon-filled gobbledegook, but I think this bit is worth notice:

Color differences are not the cause of racism, rather they are excuses for debasing one group to another group’s advantage. Racism persists because the degradation in which it trades serves the purpose of predation.

The wellspring that sustains racism lies in the practice of preying on the weak, with the added twist of first systematically handicapping potential targets so as to reduce the risk to predators.



Holbrook Jackson:

Suffer fools gladly; they may be right.


Flagging Interests: “History” and “Heritage”–Not the Same Thing 0

Brendan, who has some German ancestry, makes the point adeptly. A snippet:

I think if I was to “honor” my family’s heritage by flying a Nazi flag from my front porch, I’d be the neighborhood pariah. It wouldn’t matter a tinker’s damn what my pathetic excuses were: that flag would be seen, rightly, as the flag of race hatred and terrible violence that killed millions of innocent victims, not to mention the lives of the soldiers engaged on the battlefield. Why is the Confederate Army flag–which stands for treason, rebellion, the right to own and sell people, and the deaths of more Americans than in any other war we’ve been involved in–any different?

Do read it.


A Singularity Sensation 0

At Hacker Public Radio, mirwi interviews Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ertel at the 2014 MakerWorld in Germany on the topic of creating service robots capable of learning.


All the News that Fits 0

Chauncey Devega considers the intersection between media and Dylan Roof.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Like many Americans, the polite don’t seem to take kindly to bicyclists.

A 10-year-old girl was shot Tuesday night while riding her bike in the South Salt Creek neighborhood, Lincoln police said.

The girl told police she was riding near Eighth and Peach streets about 8:30 when she heard a loud bang and felt something hit the inside of her right knee, Officer Katie Flood said.

This ends today’s update from NRA Paradise.

Read more »


It’s Not a Republican Clown Car 0

It’s a Republican clown bus.


Nothing To Do, Nowhere To Go 0

Still under 300k.

Filings for U.S. unemployment benefits held below 300,000 for the 16th straight week, signaling a tighter labor market that will help propel growth in the second half of 2015.

Jobless claims rose by 3,000 to 271,000 in the week ended June 20, a Labor Department report showed Thursday in Washington. The median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg called for 273,000 new applications.


The four-week average of claims, a less-volatile measure than the weekly figure, dropped to 273,750 from 277,000 in the prior week.

The number of people continuing to receive jobless benefits rose by 22,000 to 2.25 million in the week ended June 13. The unemployment rate among people eligible for benefits held at 1.7 percent. These data are reported with a one-week lag.


Southern-Fried Doublespeak and the “Land of Gracious Living,” Reprise 0

In the Bangor Daily News, a transplanted Virginian recounts what he was taught about the Civil War and how he realized it was a lie. His story sounds similar to mine, even though we grew up about as far apart from each other we could be and remain within the borders of the Commonwealth. Here’s the bit about his schooling; follow the link for the discovery of the lie.

Growing up in southwestern Virginia, the far corner of the state tucked deep into the Appalachian Mountains, we were never far from the shadows of the Civil War and its legacy.

The “Southern Cross,” as the flag is sometimes called, was portrayed as a symbol of independence and bravery in battle – “heritage, not hate” as the saying goes.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

We studied the Civil War in school, learned the names of the generals, visited the battlefields and the graves. The “Lost Cause” was ingrained in us early on. The mythology passed on.


The Climates They Are a-Changin’ 0

Bonnie McFarlane begs to differ. A highlight:

I wish scientists would stop blaming us humans for causing global warming. This is patently false, since global warming is not real! If the fact that we’ve just experienced the coldest spring on record isn’t enough to sway you, I’ve got other anecdotal evidence that should be plenty convincing. For example: my sister went to Greenland and never saw any polar bears stranded on tiny ice floes. In fact, my sister didn’t see any live polar bears at all, so there.

Read it.



Alvin Toffler:

The Law of Raspberry Jam: the wider any culture is spread, the thinner it gets.


American Taliban 0


Sowing the Wind 0

Werner Herzog’s Bear wonders whether the time has come for Republicans to reap the whirlwind they have conjured up. Here’s the opening of his post:

Back when the Tea Party winds stared blowing back in the early parts of this decade, I wondered whether the Republican Party had signed a devil’s bargain. It was encouraging the support of fringe elements that had long been outside of the mainstream of American politics, all in order to benefit politically from the rising feelings of resentment among white people.

One such example is the Republican eagerness to put the grievances of the “open carry” movement into law, as just recently happened in Texas. This is a movement that worships guns and views the Second Amendment as a protection against tyranny, as if the only thing standing between the status quo and a dictatorship is a bunch of dudes carrying AR-15’s into the local Chipotle. Voters who vote on gun issues tend to be highly motivated, so the Republicans are willing to break bread with armed vigilantes if it means electoral success.

Follow the link for more. After you read it, you will likely conclude, as did I, that Mr. Bear is an optimist.


In Aurum Veritas 0

Dick Polman follows the money. A snippet:

There’s an old saying in politics: If you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas. And there’s no better illustration than the longstanding ties between the contemporary southern-based GOP and the white extremist group known as the Council of Conservative Citizens.

This is the group that runs the website that educated Dylann Roof in the ways of racial hatred; we know this because Roof reputedly said so in an online manifesto. He educated himself with some bogus crime stats on the CCC site – about how blacks supposedly kill whites in droves – and he wrote, “I have never been the same since that day.” In all likelhood, he also noticed the CCC’s so-called statement of principles, which opposes “all efforts to mix the races of mankind.”

And now it turns out that, since 2011, group president Earl Holt III has donated lavishly and exclusively to Republican candidates: Ted Cruz, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum. Plus a slew of Republican House and Senate candidates: Michele Bachmann, Tom Cotton, Joni Ernst, Thom Tillis, Mark Sanford, and Chris McDaniel. Plus a slew of conservative PACs on the Republican right.

Back in the olden days, when I was a young ‘un, it was the White Citizens Councils. That was where the respectable racists, the ones who didn’t (admit to) wearing sheets, hung out.

The names change, but the bigotry remains.

As an aside, this is the perverse outcome of Nixon’s odious Southern Strategy. Nixon hoped to harness Southern racism to maintain a Republican majority, but the Southern strategy went out of control, as appeals to hatred and bigotry are wont to do.

Racism is now the user; the Republican Party is the tool.


Football Fiduciaries 0

Ahh, the financial industry, a rock of integrity and strength.

Brian Bennett had a pretty surefire system to score tickets to any sporting event or concert he wanted—including $1,200 seats to a 2011 New England Patriots game at Gillette Stadium, according to federal prosecutors.

All he had to do was betray his employer and its clients’ confidence, prosecutors have said, committing wire fraud conspiracy in the process.


Buyer Beware 0

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Click for the original image.

From Pine View Farm
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