From Pine View Farm

June, 2015 archive

Southern-Fried Doublespeak and the “Land of Gracious Living” 2

At Talking Points Memo, Tony Horwitz explains how the South lost the war and won the peace. If you have not yet figured out that the South of Gone with the Wind is a lie and a fraud, it might be a good place for you to start. Here’s a bit.

It would take a book to explain the history behind this belief, and some excellent ones have been written (to name one, David Blight’s Race and Reunion). The very short version is that white Southerners lost the war but won its aftermath and the battle for how the conflict would be remembered. Violent Southern intransigence and Northern war-weariness killed Reconstruction; the nation chose regional reconciliation over racial justice; and ex-Confederates constructed a potent ideology—the Lost Cause—that romanticized plantation life and cast the war as a noble, doomed defense of Southern freedom and an agrarian way of life.

In the 20th century, mass culture and commerce spread the Lost Cause nationwide, most notably in movies like Birth of a Nation and Gone With the Wind. The moonlight-and-magnolia virus grew so strong that the U.S. Senate approved the construction of a Mammy monument in Washington in the 1920s, and after World War II the rebel flag became a faddish adornment on vehicles, beach towels and other products, a generalized emblem of independence, Southernness or good ol’ boyism.

Here’s a tidbit: the presence of the Stars and Bars on the South Carolina Capitol grounds has nothing to do with tradition. It was placed there in 1961, reputably in recognition of the Civil War Centennial, and retained there in defiance the Civil Rights movement.

The Confederate battle ensign was the darling of racists and symbol of racism then, it is so now, and it will be so forever.


War and Mongers of War 0

Shaun Mullen tries to make sense of the Republican Party’s fascination with sending the children of others to die in foreign lands.

Follow the link for the picture, if nothing else.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

The polite teach through example.

A man accidentally shot himself in the hand Saturday while trying to show his wife how to use a gun.


The victim said he thought the safety was on. He said he accidentally touched the trigger while picking up the gun and it went off . . . .



Chuck Jones:

Human beings will line up for miles to buy a bucket of catastrophes, but don’t try selling sunshine and light – you’ll go broke.


Climate Change Is Bunk 0

Therefore the outside temperature at midnight is not 88 Fahrenheits and my two outside thermometers and the weather link on my sidebar over there —-> are lying to me.

Damned scientists.

Howsomever did they manage to suborn my thermometers?


A Rose by Any Other Name . . . . 0

A letter writer to the Roanoke Times thinks a change is in order.

Too many on the “right” have been so wrong so often that the movement needs a name change to save the meaning of the word.

Now the “right” is wrong about the church shootings in Charleston.

Do read the rest.


Nor Any Drop To Drink 0


Chris-Crossed 0

Chris Christie:  If I run for President, I won't give up my current position.   Reporter:  So you will continue as part-time governor?

Click for a larger image.


Responsible Fiscals 0

They aren’t who you think they are.

Graphic:  Bush, Sr., handed Clinton a $268B budget deficit.  Clinton handed Bush, Jr.,  a $127B budget surplus.  Bush, Jr., handed Obama a $1.4T deficit.  Obama has reduced that to just #492B.  Tell me again, which is the part of fiscal responsibility.

Via Job’s Anger.


In Aurum Veritas 0

Follow the money.


Flagging Interests 0

Having lived in the Philadelphia area for 25 years, I loves me my cheese steaks, though I’ve never been to Geno’s or Pat’s Steaks; they are creations of hype. You can get better cheese steaks at other places.

In my part of the world, the best cheese steaks are at Elias; order a “Philly cheese steak” almost anywhere else in southeastern Virginia and God protect you. Most places in these parts seem to think that, if they put bits of mystery meat and cheese-like substances between two breadish things, plus heaven knows what other non-canonical ingredients (peppers, Kelly’s? really?), they somehow have created a “Philly cheese steak.” They are, as my first boss used to say, “in error.”

I can, nevertheless, congratulate Geno’s for doing the right thing.


Twits on Twitter 0

See point. Miss it.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Self-politeness is the politest kind.

A man who shot himself Friday evening while reportedly cleaning a high-powered rifle remained hospitalized on Monday.

If you are too stupid to unload a gun before you clean it, you are too stupid to play with guns. Q. E. D.


I just got it!

“Cleaning” is an ammosexual euphemism for “stroking repeatedly in a loving manner.”



Don Mattingly:

If you don’t second-guess yourself, then you are not trying to get better.


Drinking Liberally Brunching Liberally 0

Special brunch event! Come, make new friends, meet old ones.

When: Sunday, June 28, 11:30 a. m. to 2:30 p. m.

3333 Virginia Beach Blvd
Virginia Beach, Virginia (map)

RSVPs are requested so the venue can have a count. Please RSVP at the Meetup page, or, if you don’t have a Meetup account, email me using the “Email” link at the top of the sidebar.


All the News that Fits 0

Chauncey Devega considers how decisions about what is news shapes perception. Here’s a small, but telling bit from his typically long and tightly-reasoned post:

Experts on the topic have repeatedly demonstrated that the American news media lies about race and crime. For example, black men are over-represented as criminals relative to actual crime statistics; white criminals are shown on the evening news at rates far lower than the actual data would suggest is accurate; white people are much more likely to be shown as victims of crime while people of color are far less likely to be depicted as such. The Americans news media also humanizes white criminals (showing them in business suits, talking about their families and mental health) and dehumanizes black people (showing black suspects doing the “perp walk” or in handcuffs of shackles).

He left out a phenomenon that I’ve repeatedly noticed and find particularly galling. Black folks are much more likely to be pictured on the television and in print wearing orange.


It Was Fascination, I Know . . . . 0

Michael Arceneaux muses over conservatives’ fascination with who can say n****r. This is another just-read-it.


No Place To Hide 0

Leonard Pitts, Jr.:

The main hall of a church is called a sanctuary.

Except when it isn’t. Read it.


A Constellation of Teabags 0

Stars and Bars with various teabaggers faces--Cruz, Bachmann, etc.--replacing the stars.

Via Job’s Anger.


“An Armed Society Is a Polite Society” 0

Yet another responsible gun owner facilitates youthful hijinks in a polite manner.

A 7-year-old LaGrange, Ga. boy was shot in the back in an accidental shooting on Sunday morning.

The victim and two other young children were playing in a room together and one of them found a loaded gun, the Ledger-Enquirer reported. The victim was shot by one of the other children.

From Pine View Farm
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