From Pine View Farm

Sunday-Go-To-Meeting Clothes 1

When I was growing up in the days of Jim Crow, I remember my father’s going to pay his poll tax so he could vote.

As he was not-black, it was routine transaction. Also, as he was not-black, when he had come of age, he had passed his literacy test. Being white was all you needed to pass the literacy test.

The voter fraud fraud is the poll tax and literacy test in updated, modern Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes.

Yesterday, I met someone who had the temerity to defend the Stars and Bars as a memorial that the soldiers who lost their lives defending the “Southern way of life” deserved. She followed that by arguing that the Civil War was about “economic systems,” not about slavery, conveniently forgetting that the Southern “economic system” was slavery.

She repeated the lies Southerners have told themselves and others for the last 150 years so as not to admit that secession was about slavery and nothing else and that the Confederacy was conceived and birthed to defend an evil, the lies that speak of “honor in battle” and dress the Secesh in Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes.

I don’t lose it often, but I lost it.



And I regret it not a bit.

Lies must be called out lest they live forever.

I have had my fill of those who dress the Secesh, past and present, in Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes.


1 comment

  1. George Smith

    June 29, 2015 at 1:17 pm


From Pine View Farm
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