From Pine View Farm

“Historical” /= “Honorable” 0

A California Democratic State Senator has a proposal. Here’s a bit from his article in the Sacramento Bee:

Our public buildings should be named for people of great accomplishments who are role models of good behavior, morals and principles. Unfortunately, some public places in California still honor Confederate leaders who split the country in two to preserve slavery.

I don’t want to erase their names from our history books; I just don’t want our children looking up to people who fought for a system that treated humans as chattel.

This is the basis for my legislation, Senate Bill 539, the Frederick Douglass Liberty Act, which seeks to remove names of elected and military leaders of the Confederac from public places, including parks, buildings, roadways and schools.

I fear it is too much to hope that the big lie of Gone with the Wind and the “Land of Gracious Living” has run its course. I expect that the New Secesh will double-down on their culture of insurrection, on holding on to what they gained after losing the war, but winning the peace.

Nevertheless, it’s good to see public persons scrounge up the courage to call out the lie.


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